A plane passenger decided to take action when the man sitting next to him behaved in a “creepy” way. Plane etiquette is a divisive topic as, while most agree it’s important to be considerate and mindful of their fellow passengers, some people engage in less considerate action. Whether they demand other people’s seats, choose to listen to loud music sans headphones, or engage in heated debates on whether reclining seats is right or wrong, being in such close quarters makes for some awkward situations.
One person was so fed up with their fellow passenger on a recent flight , they chose to make things “uncomfortable”. On Reddit , they explained: “The other day while flying, I chose to sit in the aisle seat of [the] exit row with two seats. My boarding number was a low B.
“Boarding was just about complete when one of the last passengers decided to [sit] next to me. I have no problem as he is allowed to choose any seat he wants.” They continued: “Well this guy is about 6'5" tall.
And once he sits down, he decides he wants to spread his legs out into the area in front of my seat to try to get comfortable, resting his leg against mine (creepy). I was not having any of it so I said something and he moved. He looked uncomfortable the rest of the flight.
sorry, not sorry.” They said that if taller people “don't want to be uncomfortable on the plane”, they should “check-in on time” so they’re able to have more seating options open to them. Finishing the.