A year ago, I made the decision to leave the quiet shores of New Zealand and fly across the world to one of the biggest cities on the planet: London. In that year, I have learned a lot about England, its customs and the quirks of the people here — but as wonderful as my life in England is, there are still a few things about my home country I miss. Although there are things I miss about New Zealand, I love my life in England.
Whenever I tell people where I moved from, the first question they always ask is ‘Why?!’ but my only answer is ‘Why not?’. It’s gorgeous here, there are so many opportunities to experience things I could never see in New Zealand and I don’t see myself moving back any time soon. Even though I might feel homesick sometimes, England is home too now.
And there's plenty to love. My favourite thing about England is the pub culture. It’s been said before a million times over but it’s so true.
I love that pubs here aren’t just seen as a place to go and get drunk. In New Zealand, if you’re going out for drinks, your primary objective is drinking - there’s no culture of community when drinking in New Zealand, it truly is every man for themselves. Buying rounds does not exist - you drink at your own pace and everyone buys for themselves.
While buying rounds took me a minute to get used to, I absolutely love it now. Even though I know it’s not any cheaper (especially with London pint prices) it really feels like a buy one get one free policy.