A flight diversion takes place when an aircraft has some kind of emergency that requires it to deviate from its original course. A diversion can happen at any time for a number of reasons and it is something that just has to be adapted to, often at the last minute. It can be due to a medical emergency , a technical issue, bad weather, or an unruly passenger.
Most of these incidents are unpredicted and the flight crew and flight attendants have to act in accordance to keep all onboard safe and sound. Teamwork and communication are key For flight attendants on an everyday basis and in any emergency situation, teamwork and communication are key. The senior crew member will inform the flight attendants of any diversion plans, and then everyone adapts to the new situation.
There could be one flight attendant assessing a sick passenger during the middle of a service and, when the aircraft is diverted, we have to make the cabin secure again, or two flight attendants might have to restrain an unruly passenger during a flight. Flight attendants always have to be ready for unexpected events and react efficiently and calmly. If the decision and outcome are on the ground, the flight attendants will make sure that the passengers are looked after at the gate.
They will provide water, meals, blankets, and cushions and update them with any further communication that they hear about the onward journey. It can be an 'unknown,' and not all the information is always very clear straight away, but.