
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "NewsArticle", "dateCreated": "2024-09-29T10:49:01+02:00", "datePublished": "2024-09-29T10:49:01+02:00", "dateModified": "2024-09-29T10:48:59+02:00", "url": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/article/20510/entertainment/music/zuba-ray-who-is-the-new-kina-music-artiste", "headline": "Zuba Ray: Who is the new Kina Music artiste?", "description": "Renowned Rwandan record label Kina Music has added up and coming artiste Zuba Ray to their management. The 20-year-old signed for the music house with.

..", "keywords": "ZUBA RAY,KINA MUSIC", "inLanguage": "en", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https://www.

newtimes.co.rw/article/20510/entertainment/music/zuba-ray-who-is-the-new-kina-music-artiste" }, "thumbnailUrl": "https://www.


jpeg", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.newtimes.co.

rw/thenewtimes/uploads/images/2024/09/29/60809.jpeg" }, "articleBody": "Renowned Rwandan record label Kina Music has added up and coming artiste Zuba Ray to their management. The 20-year-old signed for the music house with ambitions to captivate both local and international audiences, as per Kina Music’s statement of Saturday, September 28.

“Kina Music is proud to introduce Zuba Ray, a 20-year old rising star with versatile sounds that blends R&B and Afropop, incorporating both vintage and modern influences,” the statement reds in part. ALSO READ: Weekend playlist: Bruce M.

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