
Iconic Bollywood actress Zeenat Aman has taken to Instagram to express her frustration and disappointment with luxury brands that have attempted to underpay her for endorsements and collaborations. In a powerful post titled "Thank you, but no thank you," Aman shared her experiences with these brands, highlighting the blatant disrespect and undervaluation she has faced despite her illustrious career and significant influence. In her post, Aman began by acknowledging that while she may not know her precise worth, she certainly knows when she is being undervalued.

She shared the range of unsatisfactory collaboration requests she receives, from last-minute invitations mistakenly addressed to other celebrities to impolite emails with scant details and brusque demands for her to "share commercials." However, the most egregious offenses come from multimillion-dollar luxury brands that expect her endorsement in exchange for mere "brand association" and insultingly low fees. Aman pointed out the glaring disparity in compensation offered to her compared to other brand ambassadors, some of whom have reprised roles she originally played.

She noted that these brands lavishly pay their ambassadors while expecting her to endorse their products for a fraction of the price. Despite their profuse admiration and generous terms like "icon" and "fashion inspiration," these brands fail to back their words with fair compensation for her time, energy, reputation, and reach. Emphasizing her long-standing career and professionalism, Aman reminded her followers that she has been a stalwart in the industry for over half a century.

At over 70 years old, she continues to work with an uncommon professionalism and boasts a social media audience that is both organic and highly engaged. She expressed immense respect for herself and her followers, asserting that her worth far exceeds the price of a designer handbag or high-heel shoe. Aman's post concluded with a call to action, inviting her followers to share their own stories of being undervalued or standing their ground against it.

Her message resonated with many, highlighting a broader issue of undervaluation and disrespect faced by individuals in various industries. Zeenat Aman's post serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of self-worth and the need to stand up against unfair treatment, regardless of one's stature or career achievements. Her candidness and resolve in addressing this issue have not only shed light on her personal experiences but also inspired others to recognize and assert their own value.

In a world where luxury brands often prioritize profits over people, Aman's stance is a refreshing and empowering declaration of self-respect and professional integrity. Her followers, both old and new, are reminded that true value lies not in the price tags of luxury items but in the recognition and fair compensation of one's worth..

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