
In a recent interview with Dr. Ofweneke, comedian YY shared candid details about his relationship with his ex-wife,Marya Okoth. The couple recently announced their separation, and YY is now offering his perspective on their time together.

Reflecting on their relationship, YY stressed the importance of having a clear plan and setting goals. He recalled meeting Marya when she was studying interior design and pursuing acting. Seeing her potential, YY decided to invest in her growth, even during financially uncertain times.

One such investment was in Marya’s YouTube channel. YY revealed that he spent approximately 40,000 Kenyan shillings on the early episodes. Despite initial lack of income, he believed in her talent and supported her dreams.

YY emphasized that relationships should not be transactional. “Do good without expecting anything in return,” he advised. Investing in a woman’s potential, he explained, is an act of belief, not a transaction.

For those who are in or have been in relationships, YY offered some advice. He emphasized that relationships may not always last forever, and that it’s important to build an ex-partner to be proud of. He concluded by saying that breakups should not be filled with bitterness.


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