
I hope that the recent will be a chance for all involved to take a step back, take a deep breath and have a pause for thought. Everybody is agreed that something needs to be done to secure a sound future for the town centre as a whole and Academy Street in particular. A suitable framework has to be found to allow all the available ideas and energy and expertise and resources to pull together.

Recriminations and digging further into opposing defensive positions will not be helpful. Some thoughts on a possible reset. It would be helpful to widen the focus of attention to the town centre as a whole.

Academy Street is clearly in need of some TLC. However, it is the inter-locking keystone of the wider town centre economy, townscape and traffic movements. Dealing with Academy Street in isolation is never likely to come up with a satisfactory long-term solution.

This is especially the case given the looming need to manage the impacts across the town centre from very heavy new footfall as the castle opens. Moreover, looking further ahead, when (eventually) the station is redeveloped all movement around the town centre, and especially along Academy Street, can and will have to be rethought. The council agreed in 2021 a draft Town Centre Master Plan for consultation purposes.

The plan and its evidence base will need some additions eg on townscape value and pedestrian movements, and updating. The draft is in itself far from perfect but that’s fine – it’s a draft and should be open to change. It was prepared by outside consultants and (as has perhaps been the case with the Academy Street proposals?) the council leadership shouldn’t feel obliged to go into defensive mode about its recommendations.

Genuinely open, engaged and constructive debate around the draft plan could be the vehicle to widen perspectives. I would further suggest that the relevant community councils, BID, the chamber of commerce, individual local residents and businesses and other key players, eg Network Rail, are brought together to debate and determine terms of reference for an independent agency to lead engagement in developing the Master Plan. In such a context it may also be possible to agree some inputs in funding and expertise and manpower from external funders including major local business interests? Members will be concerned that this is all very time-consuming.

Well, yes, but a lot of time has already, unfruitfully, gone by. Probably better this time round to get it right than rapid? “So, what schools are the kids living in these houses going to? Aren’t all the schools in the area, including the IRA, at capacity now?” - “A planning application has also been submitted for 381 houses just along the road to Dores after the Tesco roundabout.” - “Where’s the schools, doctors and dentists? Shouldn’t be allowed “ - “Joan Macdonald, I said this about Culloden West and the councillor laughed at me and said, it was taken into consideration in the model.

Now doctors are closed to new applicants, schools are closed to new applicants. Fools.” - “We don’t have enough GP surgeries , hospital consultants, hospital beds, doctors, nurses, dentists and adequately staffed schools.

This is not even the affordable rented housing that’s desperately needed, it’s yet more overpriced and overrated ‘luxury’ homes.” - “They need to build 10k houses to bring the house demand and prices under control. 100 odd houses with maybe 7 being association houses isn't good enough.

Inverness maybe should go airbnb free zone now. Seen so many streets that are full of them.” - “Our country produces five times more energy than we need and we pay the most for it.

” - “Very sad some pensioners now will have to choose keeping warm or eat and these are the people that have worked all their lives. Well if that’s the case they need to up the pensions then.” - “This is so wrong, absolutely unbelievable and unjust.

Where is our government and why are they not taking charge of this?” - “Anne Mcfarlane, I think the Westminster government cut the money that they give to Scotland and hence we have less money for services.” - “Pensioners who receive Pension Credit will continue to receive the payment. Better off pensioners can afford to pay their bills.

If in doubt, apply for Pension Credit - according to AgeUK nearly a million people who are entitled to PC are not applying for it.” - “Stephen Flynn SNP warned Scotland this would happen but because he is SNP Labour voters wouldn’t listen.” -.

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