
Editor: I am a childless adult, a certified Teaching Assistant, and a substitute teacher. My students and former students are my kids. And I view J.

D. Vance’s suggestion that childless people are un-invested in kids with utter contempt. Ever worked so closely with a mostly preverbal kid that you knew what he was going to do before he did it? Calmed him by singing until you heard “Waltzing Matilda” in your sleep? Calculated how you might protect a medically fragile boy who used a wheelchair, in the event of a school shooting? Gone out on your break to get Bag Balm for a kid whose hands were raw and cracked? Gotten treats for a kid’s pet rabbit to make sure she (the young lady, not the rabbit) had a happy birthday? Told umpteen Greek myths, Arabian Nights stories and more to a room full of fidgety third-graders between classes? Made a point to spend time every other day on your break with an anxious kid? Seen a 15-year-old who can’t have a pet snake break into the biggest grin in the world when you hand her a shed boa constrictor skin? Been the guy who was about beside yourself with joy when you learned one of your kids had been officially adopted, and you were never going to have to worry about his living circumstances or future well-being? If your answer to any of these is “no” then believe me, Mr.

Vance, you have no idea about those of us who are childless and have dedicated our lives to helping children. I suggest you refrain from registering any more ignorant remarks on the topic. James Smith Argyle Re: "Thank you Elise Stefanik" Editor A recent letter entitled "Thank you Elise Stefanik" described a June Supreme Court decision, NRA vs.

Vuello. Maria Vullo director of the New York State Department of Financial Services attempted to coerce financial institutions in the state to refrain from doing business with the National Rifle Association. The letter writer praised Ms.

Stefanik, but all she did was sign an amicus brief along with more than 60 House members. The brief was submitted in January, 2024 by Envisage Law in Raleigh, NC. Did Ms.

Stefanik even read it? Last winter she was lobbying Trump to be his running mate - campaigning with him in New Hampshire, appearing on right wing media and seeking publicity by grilling university presidents about campus antisemitism. Meanwhile the Republican "led" House was (as it currently is) embroiled in a revolt by their own caucus, threatening yet another GOP-initiated government shutdown. Ms.

Stefanik is third in the GOP House leadership. In an obvious attempt to promote her VP chances, in November she also filed an ethics complaint against the judge presiding over Trump's latest NY fraud case. In it, she echoed many arguments Trump’s legal team has made throughout the case.

Trump called her "a fighter". So, yes, at the time Ms. Stefanik was indeed working hard - mostly for herself and Trump.

The heavy lifting in NRA vs. Vuello was actually done by the American Civil Liberties Union, which represented the NRA. The court ruled 9-0 in favor of the NRA, and a liberal justice, Sonia Sotomayor, wrote the opinion.

Frank Pagano Jay, N.Y. Focusing on what matters Editor: While Trump fixates on foreigners and absurd stories about dogs, I’m focused on something that truly matters to me and my family: mass shootings committed by privileged white American males who feel entitled and angry.

Their rage is being fueled by Trump and his supporters like Elon Musk and Sean Hannity. The hypocrisy of the Trump-led new Republican Party is staggering. They gaslight the nation, incite fear of immigrants, and create distractions, all while ignoring how mass shootings have become a horrific norm.

Even though Trump himself was targeted by one of these privileged, American-born white men, he's still more terrified of immigrants, weird. If Republicans cared even half as much about our children’s lives (born and unborn) as they do about their macho man gun culture wars, we might see real change. But their priorities are clear, which is why every single MAGA extremist needs to be voted out of public office, including their senile "supreme" leader.

This includes MAGA Congresswoman Stefanik. Elise drank the Trump Kool-Aid, and after the 2020 election, she was out there fighting for 'voter rights' in Arizona not in NY, pushing baseless fraud claims--Just like her predecessor John Sweeney did when he flew down to Florida to fight over the hanging chads—it's almost like the Republicans can't win a presidential election without stealing one, WEIRD. Stefanik continues to cling to the rigged-election narrative despite every court ruling showing no fraud.

That’s some serious Trump derangement syndrome—believing that the loser is actually the winner. It’s time to reclaim our country from Trump and restore sanity by voting for VP Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz—the sane, hard-working and joyful ticket that all Americans can be proud of..


For a change. Brigid Martin Glens Falls Issue at the Bandstand Editor: Mayor Billy Collins step up and do something! I would like to write about the "riffraff" we are now seeing daily at the band stand in downtown Glens Falls, This is appalling to say the least. These people not only are loitering but they are leaving their garbage everywhere, yelling profanity and intimidating others who walk by as they refuse to move out of the way if congregating around the sidewalk entrance to the library (I walk by it almost daily).

They are also doing drugs in plain sight (which alone is making them more disorderly) and now panhandling across the street at the Queensbury Hotel to anyone trying to enjoy a nice meal outdoors (they have now had to move their tables to the other side on Ridge Street to try to avoid this). Glens Falls Police Department and Mayor Billy Collins shame on you for not taking serious action on this. This disorderly group of people went from taking over the bus stop to now taking over our beautiful city park where we host events and it is definitely bringing not only our businesses but the name Glens Falls down to a new low.

I understand its a public park but what is going on over there is nothing but chaos and repulsive behavior. Also, I thought City Park was Smoke-Free? Anne Tique Glens Falls Ward 2 vacancy Editor: Queensbury Town Board Ward 4 councilman and Warren County Republican Committee Chair Tim McNulty is concerned, "God forbid if something happens to one of the other council members" before Nov. 5.

That may be a genuine concern if Mr. McNulty had not put out an email blast to the Queensbury Republican Committee people at 3:02 pm on Monday afternoon "Just to clarify, at tonight's meeting I will be introducing a resolution to require interviews be conducted to identify the best qualified individual to fill the vacant Town Board position. This is the same process the Town Board used to fill the vacant at-large position and the 4th Ward vacancy in 2020.

Your presence is requested to show the Town Board you believe the 2nd Ward deserves a councilperson. Scott is our endorsed candidate and I feel strongly he should be given the opportunity to interview for the position. Hope to see you tonight.

. Tim" Not all Town Board members were privy to this memo. That makes this process political.

And, by the way, the committee people did show up although I doubt many Ward 2 residents knew about it. To clarify "this is the same process the Town Board used to fill the vacant position"..


That is accurate, however, timing was much different. Both past vacancies occurred at the first half of the year and common sense would dictate of course you would fill a vacancy. However the current 2nd Ward vacancy is a mere 6 weeks from the election.

Being so close to the election, why not let the voters choose? I am confident the Town Board is capable of picking up the short term Ward 2 issues after the untimely passing of Harrison Freer. Chris Strough Queensbury War is not healthy for children and other living things Editor: More than 50 years ago, I and many others opposed to the war in Vietnam were pendants reading "War is not healthy for children and other living things." I still wear mine today.

Many things can be said about war both during and after combat ends. Loss of life, including of innocent children, fills cemeteries all over the world. And as we listen to the words and prayers at gravesides, we often say under our breath: "Never again.

" But here we are - again - funding two serious wars in Ukraine and Gaza. I think of those words: "war is not healthy for children and other living things." They come to mind when I read of the latest United Nations study of deadly combat in these two parts of the world.

The damage from war does not end when a peace treaty is signed. Assessment of damage from war shows it lasts for decades: water systems destroyed, soil contaminated with deadly chemicals, air pollution from poisonous weapons. The impact of war will harm children and other living things for generations and such damage has no regard for national boundaries.

A safe environment for our children is important. Among our climate related activities, let us also include work to end war and promote peace. Children and all living things matter - always and everywhere.

Kate Roos Glens Falls Freedom to choose Editor: We trust most people to make their own health care decisions. When reading about Project 2025, I was shocked to learn that it simply does not trust women. The plan has an explicit aim to overhaul women’s health care through an anti-abortion stance.

Its underlying agenda will restrict women's reproductive rights and access to comprehensive health care. Project 2025’s anti-abortion policies pose a direct threat to women’s lives and their autonomy over their own bodies. By limiting access to safe and legal abortion services, the project would force many women to seek unsafe, illegal alternatives, putting their health and lives at risk.

This regressive stance disregards the fundamental freedom of women to make informed choices about their reproductive health. By focusing on anti-abortion policies, Project 2025 diverts attention and resources away from critical areas such as maternal health, mental health, and preventative care. The project also fails to consider the diverse needs of women from different backgrounds and circumstances.

Access to safe abortion is a crucial aspect of health care for many women, particularly those in marginalized communities who may already face significant barriers to health services. Project 2025’s restrictive stance would disproportionately impact these women, exacerbating existing health disparities. Let’s keep the government out of our doctors’ offices.

As Gov. Walz repeatedly says, “Mind your own damn business”. I urge you to oppose Project 2025 by voting Democrat up and down the ballot in November and give all women the freedom over their own bodies.

In addition, flip your ballot this November and vote “yes” on Proposition 1, to close the dangerous loopholes in our state constitution and protect our Freedom to Choose. Rhonda Fibiger Chittenago, NY.

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