
March 21-April 20 ★★★ Though your weekend gets off to a flying start, the Moon’s shift into Taurus soon slows you down. Go to plan B. April 21-May 21 ★★★★ The Moon enters Taurus and stays there all weekend.

Relax into the delight of everyday luxuries, whatever they are. May 22-June 21 ★★★ The sheer force of bravado and optimism may get you over the line — in spite of opposing astrological influences. June 22-July 23 ★★★★ The Moon moves into earthy Taurus.

The Sun is in earthy Virgo. You are focused on your friends. Life is humming.

July 24-Aug 23 ★★ Mercury remains in Leo, even as the Sun moves on. Your voice is loud but not well-supported. Avoid becoming shrill.

Aug 24-Sep 23 ★★★ Venus is in Virgo, but not well-aspected. Be cautious in love. The Taurus Moon reminds you to savour simple pleasures.

Sep 24-Oct 23 ★★★ As the rest of the world chills out around you, so you have more room to move, play, dance and romance. Hop to it! Oct 24-Nov 22 ★★★ The Taurus Moon prevents you from going down the rabbit hole of emotional complexity. Simplicity is the rule.

Nov 23-Dec 21 ★★★ With the Sun and Moon travelling through earth signs, pragmatism is the weekend’s ruling force. One step at a time. Dec 22-Jan 20 ★★★★ The earthy Virgo Sun and earthy Taurus Moon will having you jumping around in paroxysms of delight.

Be your wild self. Jan 21-Feb 19 ★★★ Health and healing are on the agenda. Tune into your inner ecosystem.

Rejig what needs rejigging in order to shine. Feb 20-March 20 ★★★ The Virgo Sun is preventing you from drifting into anything you haven’t properly thought through. Slowly does it.

You may have cause to consider in what you truly place your faith, your trust. The Taurus Moon is bringing you home. She fills your day with food for the senses.

Give your capacity for delight free rein. Notice the unobtrusive ways life is being protective. Don’t miss the obvious.

The Taurus Moon brings in a sense of ease. Venus is in Virgo, bringing effortless delight. Let the day unfold naturally.

Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent.

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