Overview: Relating is a skillset. Venus enters Capricorn on Monday until December 7, inspiring you to put in the work and helping you connect more meaningfully. On Friday, Saturn Retrograde ends, which motivates you to apply the wisdom you've learned.
A wildcard Full Moon in Taurus on Friday helps you balance your needs for stability and structure with spontaneity and surprise. Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope: Aries Connections and competence, Aries. Venus enters your Capricorn-ruled career zone on Monday, helping you socialize and skill-build for success.
Saturn Retrograde ends on Friday, helping you move forward after months of letting go. The Full Moon in Taurus on Friday wants you to get clear and committed on your values and how you can practice them for personal and financial security. Taurus Long-distance lover, Taurus? Venus enters your Capricorn-ruled travel zone on Monday, attracting people who are very different—and possibly distant—from you.
Saturn Retrograde ends on Friday, strengthening your friendships. The annual Full Moon in your sign on Friday wants you to step into something new, bravely. It’ll be scary, but you can do it.
It’s time to embrace a powerful beginning. Gemini Go deeper, Gemini. Venus enters your Capricorn-ruled intimacy zone on Monday, helping you take your relationships to a deeper, more satisfying place.
Saturn Retrograde ends on Friday, ending a career pause and helping you move forward. On the same day, a closure-inducing Full M.