
March 21-April 20 ★★ The Moon heralds powerful changes in the air. A relationship partner may surprise you more than you surprise them. April 21-May 21 ★★★ The Moon is kicking major shifts into gear that have been lurking beneath the surface.

Follow the bouncing ball. May 22-June 21 ★★★ The Moon will be around later in the day, unlocking places in your life that have been feeling a little bit stuck. June 22-July 23 ★★★ Use the extra energy the Moon is stirring up to deepen your friendships and take you a few steps further into intimacy.

July 24-Aug 23 ★★★ Mercury continues to frequent Leo. It is feeding you all sorts of interesting insights into your own unconscious behaviour. Aug 24-Sep 23 ★★★★ The Virgo Sun is helping you reset your compass.

Identify your goals and aims. Refresh your sense of direction. Sep 24-Oct 23 ★★★★ Venus, in earthy Virgo, is making sure your life nourishes your senses, and that practical matters are taken care of.

Oct 24-Nov 22 ★★★ The Taurus Moon at dawn helps you pull yourself into functional order. Your grounded self is required these days. Nov 23-Dec 21 ★★★ The Moon passes in front of Jupiter later in the day, freeing you up in those places you have been feeling locked up.

Dec 22-Jan 20 ★★★★ The Sun is in Virgo. The Moon starts her day in Taurus. The universe feels unusually sensible.

Relax and enjoy the day. Jan 21-Feb 19 ★★★★ Although not everything is where you would like it to be, life feels light and breezy. Let your preconceptions go.

Feb 20-March 20 ★★★ Emotional honesty will help you find your way through the relationship undergrowth. Unlock secret pathways and passages. Bring together people that would not normally come together — and be amazed.

Open up pathways that have been shut. Use the goodwill that is available to forge fresh and healthy connections. Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent.

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