
March 21-April 20 ★★★ It’s full steam ahead with the knowledge that you are well-supported and more grounded than usual. Think outside the box. April 21-May 21 ★★★ Where things are falling apart is where you can most easily create anew.

Surprise yourself with natty fresh solutions. May 22-June 21 ★★★ The Aquarian Moon will help you find ways out of the various knots you might have mistakenly tied yourself into. June 22-July 23 ★★★ The Aquarian Moon is providing a round of surprises on the friendship front.

Drop your judgments and be surprised. July 24-Aug 23 ★★ Avoid sudden moves. Mercury is retrograde, which means there is room for misunderstanding.

Communicate precisely. Aug 24-Sep 23 ★★★ Venus has moved into Virgo, bringing a certain sweetness. Mercury is retrograde.

Signal your affections with care. Sep 24-Oct 23 ★★★ Venus has moved into Virgo, bringing you gently to ground. There is less excitement in the air, but more sanity.

Oct 24-Nov 22 ★★ The Aquarian Moon will make those around you more strident with their ideas. Try not to get caught locking horns. Nov 23-Dec 21 ★★★ Jupiter is drawing you out into the world, when all you want to do is nestle on the couch.

Don’t hook into every conversation. Dec 22-Jan 20 ★★★ Someone is testing your defences with their charm and affections. Venus is opposite Saturn.

Know your own heart well. Jan 21-Feb 19 ★★★★ The Moon is firing you up. She is sending waves of emotion through your system.

Coolness has gone out the window. Feb 20-March 20 ★★ Love requires as much awareness as it does surrender or let-go. Intimacy is a mirror.

Don’t get cross at your own reflection. The light that comes to disperse darkness is as reliable and regular as daybreak. Neptune is actively firing up your longing.

Use this day to identify your deepest needs and celebrate them accordingly. Key: ★★ Challenging ★★★ Encouraging ★★★★ Excellent.

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