
Being sleep deprived is something people have normalised in today's world. In everyday hustle and the need to multi-task, people often sacrificing their sleep using a commonly popular dialogue, 'Oh you can sleep when you die'. But if you keep on with the same belief for a few years, it truly can be fatal real soon.

Good sleep is essential for your both your mental and physical health. Sleep makes you relax, rested and alert while your body is working hard to perform vital functions that supports your health. Canva How sleep affects your brain? If you are sleep-deprived, you ability to perform regular activities is affected.

You cannot be more creative or productive in the day since your brain is not well rested and neither is your body. Your focus is impaired and it can lead to less productivity at work and increased risk of accidents. If you are chronically sleep-deprived, it can also lead to disturbances in your mood.

You might have noticed mood shifts when you didn't sleep well the past night. Not getting enough sleep can affect your communication with people and you might slip into depression. Sleep's impact on body Sleep affects every tissue int he body let alone the brain.

According to Dr. Michael Twery, a sleep expert at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), sleep influences growth and stress hormones, the immune system, appetite, breathing, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. Lack of sleep is associated with an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and infections.

During sleep, the body undergoes important processes such as cell repair and energy regulation, which are vital for maintaining a healthy weight and overall physical health. Sleep disorders and their consequences Millions of Americans are affected by sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea. Insomnia can be characterised by difficult in falling asleep or sleeping for a longer time.

It leads to feeling exhausted all day, increased irritability, and problems with concentration. If your insomnia last for three weeks or a month, it requires medical attention. Canva Sleep apnea don't he other hand involved interruptions during sleeping.

This condition not only interrupts sleep but also poses as a threat. Dr. Phyllis Zee, a sleep apnea expert, explains that apnea triggers the body’s fight-or-flight response, leading to spikes in blood pressure, heart rate fluctuations, and increased risk of stroke.

To treat sleep apnea. instant lifestyle changes such as loosing weight or sleeping only our side and sometimes even medical interventions are necessary. Canva What is the importance of quality sleep? Every adult requires 7 to 8 hours of sleep on average.

Children and teenagers require more sleep. A full night's quality sleep is essential for your body and it restores your body, making you all fit for the next day. If you addicted to suing your phone late night or consuming coffee before bed every night, it can hinder with your sleep.

It is important to realise the importance of sleep and create an environment for yourself at night where you can slip into sound sleep in no time. Understand that sleep is not a luxury but a basic necessity for your overall health. Stop normalising hustle culture at the cost of your sleep.

Always remember that everything you do life is only worth if you have a healthy body to enjoy it..

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