
One of the most respected families of Bollywood, the Bachchan family, has been under heavy scrutiny ever since rumours of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan's divorce surfaced online. And in the midst of this, a video went viral online questioning Amitabh Bachchan's silence on Aishwarya, but it was actress-host Simi Garewal's comment on it that grabbed eyeballs. In the video, a lady can be heard calling Big B out for his "double standards" and stating that while he keeps posting about his daughter Shweta Bachchan on social media, and even about Abhishek and his old films, he did not bother to pen a single word for his 'bahu' Aishwarya, who is all over the news of late.

Aishwarya was recently honoured with the Best Actress award at SIIMA 2024, following which she made heads turn at the Paris Fashion Week. A post shared by Jagruk Jantaa (@jagruk_jantaa) While netizens seemed to agree with the video and everything that was being said in it, Simi Garewal came to the megastar's defense. "You people don't know ANYTHING.

Stop it," she commented under the post, and it did not go unnoticed by netizens. Fans wondered if there was more to the story than it meets the eyes. Aishwarya recently made heads turn as she sashayed down the ramp at Paris Fashion Week, wearing a billowing red gown with a dramatic train.

Photos and videos of the Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam actress were splashed all over the internet and netizens hailed her as the 'Queen'. A post shared by L'Oréal Paris Offic.

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