
Sex & Love · Posted 3 minutes ago "You Deserve To Live In The Streets": A Video Of This 24-Year-Old's Nightmarish Date Is Going Viral "I was scared from all the thoughts that were going through my head, I kept thinking of the 'Red Pill' Men and how everything he was saying aligned with that ideology." by Emily Kling BuzzFeed Staff Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail When 24-year-old Alexus Hernandez met up with a date at Chili's, she didn't know she'd be walking into the "worst date" she had ever been on. The two met on Hinge, and according to Alexus, the date was going "very well" initially.

She told BuzzFeed, "[We] had dinner and decided to have dessert; the conversation was flowing, and so far, everything seemed great." But Alexus said the vibe shifted when she asked her date if he might want to have kids one day. She recorded a snippet of his shocking response.

@alehxus No becuase im still so shocked, i was so taken back that i started repeating myself, like bro😭😭😭 who raised these men??? #firstdate #baddate ♬ original sound - ✨Alexus✨ @alehxus / Via tiktok.com "His response was the reason I started recording. He mentioned prior to being recorded that he wanted a stay-at-home wife but that he wasn’t going to help her out financially, and I was very confused by his answer," Alexus said in our interview, adding that her initial plan was to share the recording with her friend afterward so the two could have a laugh.

In the video, Alexus can be heard asking, "So how do you expect to have a wife and kids, yet you don't want to really provide, yet you don't want her to work?" Her date replies, "Well, I just think that [my future wife] should find her own way to make her money, like, for example, the government steals everybody's taxes. Like, find a way to take your money back from the government. If you can't do that, then you deserve to live in the streets, honestly.

" @alehxus / Via tiktok.com When asked if he wouldn't give this hypothetical future wife spending money, he said he would, but solely for "the basics." @alehxus / Via tiktok.

com "The basics" her date outlined included: "Pampers, food, and clothes. And that's about it." Alexus's date then went on to say his hypothetical future wife would "absolutely not" be allowed to "meet up with her friends and have coffee.

" Alexus was so shook by what her date said, she said she found herself nearly speechless. "From the surface, my reaction was nonexistent," Alexus explained to BuzzFeed. " I just seemed confused but internally, I was scared from all the thoughts that were going through my head , I kept thinking of the 'Red Pill' Men and how everything he was saying aligned with that ideology.

.. I imagined what my life would look like with a man like that and how I could possibly become really sick one day and, how I would need his financial help for medication, surgeries, etc.

, and how that man would basically tell me, 'Sorry but that's not my responsibility' and would basically let me die. As a woman you have to think of worst-case scenarios and how your partner would react to them, would he be supportive? Or would he let you suffer? That man would let me suffer, and that's all I was thinking about. " Before we continue, here is a quick refresher on the "Red Pill" ideology: Karl Tapales / Getty Images The term "Red Pill" is derived from the 1999 film The Matrix , when the protagonist has to choose between taking a blue pill (which represents blissful ignorance) or a red pill (which represents painful and harsh realities).

Some online men's groups have coopted the "Red Pill" concept to refer to their own "awakening" to the cruel nature of society and their belief in certain prescribed gender roles within it. More specifically, "Red Pill" Men perpetuate anti-feminist and misogynistic ideology. Okay, back to the story: According to Alexus, the date ended shortly after her recording.

"The moment I stopped recording, I took myself out of that situation. I walked to the host and paid for my own meal, and tipped. I didn’t look back at him or say anything.

After I paid, I walked to my car and blocked him on Hinge and on my phone in fear that he would call me or ask why I left so abruptly." Alexus decided to post the video to TikTok, which has since been viewed 5.5 million times and has over 37,000 comments.

In response to Alexus's video, one commenter wrote, "'I want to be the provider but you pay for your own bill' Do they even hear themselves?" @alehxus / Via tiktok.com Another comment read, "he gave you that beautiful bouquet of red flags right up front, how thoughtful." @alehxus / Via tiktok.

com In general, the comments were supportive and full of great ideas, like this one: "I would have very loudly asked if pads and tampons count as a necessity and just watched him get embarrassed at the mention." @alehxus / Via tiktok.com This commenter aptly summed up the vibe when they wrote: "Sounds like a hostage negotiation.

" @alehxus / Via tiktok.com And this comment, with over 39,000 likes, called it like they saw it: "bro is not the intellectual he thinks he is." @alehxus / Via tiktok.

com When asked what she would say to her date now if she could re-do the moment, her answer perfectly encapsulated the internal battle so many women face of wanting to stand up for themselves while also remaining acutely aware of the dangers of being in proximity to a potentially hostile man. "Part of me wishes I would have put him in his place when we were on our date and told him how outrageous his beliefs were, but I didn’t know how he would have reacted, if he would have understood or become defensive, which could possibly put me in a dangerous situation. I’m glad I didn’t, but I’m glad the internet did, social media was just as outraged by him and his beliefs, and I’m sure he read through those comments.

" Alexus's advice to other women is this: " My best advice is to not settle for less, don’t settle for a man who doesn’t align with your beliefs, and if you happen to be in a similar situation like me, to stay calm and try not to escalate the conversation to keep yourself safe. For first dates, meet somewhere in public with a lot of people around and don’t have him pick you up, then he will know where you live. Take your own car in case you need to leave at any moment, tell a friend your plans and who you are meeting with and if possible, share your location with them!" She also added, " To not ignore red flags, sometimes women tend to look past certain red flags with the thought that they could change him or that he would never treat them a certain way.

Take his word for what it is and believe that that is 100% his character, and you can’t change a man like that." Have you had a similar experience? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Some quotes may have been edited for length/clarity. Share This Article Link Facebook Pinterest Twitter Mail Comments.

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