
A shouting match broke out Friday on Fox News as panelists erupted in rage — and laughter — over an analyst's refusal to source his claim about Vice President Kamala Harris . Analyst and attorney Clay Travis shouted down host Martha MacCallum and a fellow panelist as he repeatedly insisted Harris had the worst favorability ratings of any vice president. "The more she talks, the more people turn away from her," Travis exclaimed.

"She has the lowest rated vice president approval rating in history." "That's not true," replied panelist Antjuan Seawright , founder of a political consulting firm. "It is 100 percent true," Travis replied.

"The question is," Seawright replied, shouting to be heard, "Who said that?" Travis didn't answer and instead continued to shout that Harris was "the lowest" and "the worst" then claimed, "I don't have to tell you!" and "You cut me off!" The attorney might have been referencing an NBC poll from 2023 that found 49% of registered voters had a negative view of Harris while only 32% held a positive view, per a new NBC News. Harris' net-negative -17 rating was the lowest in the history of the poll — not of U.S.

history — which began in 1989 , 200 years after the nation's first vice president, John Adams, claimed office . ALSO READ: Donald Trump deep in debt while foreign money keeps coming: disclosure Democratic strategist Cornell Belcher told Axios at the time that vice presidents typically poll on the same level as the president. He also noted another reason Americans might disapprove of Harris.

"[It] shouldn't surprise anyone that there is going to be a different filter and a different focus put on the first woman to ever be vice president of the United States," Belcher said. "Particularly a woman of color." MacCallum cut off the argument to note Harris' numbers were lowest in several decades but that she recently surpassed Trump "in a lot of the polling.

" That's when Travis shouted over MacCallum again to remind viewers Harris called out President Joe Biden for his record on busing before losing the nomination in 2019. “There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools," Harris said during the Democratic presidential debates. "She was bused to school every day, and that little girl was me.

" Watch the video below or click here . Donald Trump , who struggled to stay on message in two economic speeches this week, warned America it could face famine if his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris , is elected. After Harris outlined her economic plan to reduce grocery prices by stopping price gouging, Trump took to TruthSocial to call her attacks on the corporate practice outright communist.

"Kamala will implement SOVIET Style Price Controls," he wrote, mixing his capitalization. Trump then claimed that "EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income!" It wasn't immediately clear where he got that number. In a second post , Trump claimed Harris was "allowing Venezuela's dangerous criminals to freely enter our country through her WIDE OPEN Southern Border.

" Biden, notably, signed an executive order in June that closed most of the border. ALSO READ: Harris has figured out Trump’s greatest liability "If Kamala is elected and implements her Communist Price Caps, there will be famine, starvation, and poverty, the likes of which we have never seen. America will NEVER recover!" Trump claimed.

"Kamala Harris wants to raise your taxes and make you pay for free healthcare and free housing in luxury hotels for her millions of illegal aliens," Trump said, trying to claim "free" healthcare would still cost money. He then attempted to attack Tim Walz by adopting a phrase that has become synonymous with his running mate, Sen. J.

D. Vance (R-OH). "Weirdo Tim Walz, voted against my VA Mission Act that made healthcare more affordable and accessible for our Nation's Heroes!" said Trump.

Former President Donald Trump's efforts to attack Vice President Kamala Harris on inflation are starting to lose the plot, GOP pollster and focus grouper Frank Luntz told CNN's Phil Mattingly on Friday afternoon. Inflation has long been an issue the GOP has tried to press the advantage on, as post-COVID supply shocks and the war in Ukraine drove up the price of everyday consumer goods. But with Harris' speech on Friday outlining policies to tackle the problem, Trump's effort to compare Harris to Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro — and describing her cost of living reforms as " communist " are not landing with voters who seek substance, said Luntz.

"They're very clearly trying to define her as a communist," said Mattingly. "Her policies aren't communist policies, although they are aggressive in terms of how they operate within markets. How do you think that line of attack is landing right now?" ALSO READ: Harris has figured out Trump’s greatest liability "It isn't," said Luntz.

"It's one of the reasons why Trump has been declining in every survey in just about every state over the last few weeks. The public absolutely wants to focus on inflation, on affordability. They absolutely care about prices for food and fuel, housing and health care, and they're not asking for an ideological solution.

They're asking for a day-to-day solution." "What Harris proposed in the last few hours is going to play well with voters, at least initially, because they're looking at their wallets and their pocketbooks and they're saying, I can't afford day-to-day life," said Luntz. "Trump would be much better off comparing inflation under his administration versus the Biden/Harris administration.

Much better off talking about the cost of a Thanksgiving meal, because that's something we can all relate to, rather than accusing her of being a communist, which is simply not credible." "This is what has happened in the campaign over the last few weeks," he added. "And it's one of the reasons why so many voters are taking another look at Harris, not because of what she says, but because of what Donald Trump is saying and how much they don't like it.

" Watch the video below or at the link here . - YouTube www.youtube.

com Experts are expressing concern over the broader implications if Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton successfully sues charities that criticize Donald Trump . Paxton is going after FIEL Houston because he didn't like a tweet the immigrant rights group posted on the social media site X, the Houston Chronicle reported Friday . Paxton argued that if any nonprofit engages in activities that he thinks violate nonprofit status, he can sue to shut it down.

The new lawsuit from Paxton points to social media posts in which the group calls Donald Trump "El Hijo Del Diablo," or "son of the Devil," and called Gov. Greg Abbott "a violent racist Fascist man." ALSO READ: Donald Trump deep in debt while foreign money keeps coming: disclosure While those kinds of posts don't violate specific charity tax status, the report said some posts advocated against SB4, the migrant deportation law blocked by the courts.

In his lawsuit, Paxton demands that Harris County Judge Ravi Sandill "dissolve its existence." Aaron Reichlin-Melnick , the senior fellow at the Immigrant Council, explained, "If judges accept that argument (and so far it seems they're not), it would put every nonprofit in the state at risk." He also pointed out that the Houston group is a defendant in two federal lawsuits against Texas.

Read the full report here..

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