
Dreaming of international travel but don't have enough annual leave to fit in every country? Well, with some careful planning around Australia's public holidays , you can maximise your hard-earned time off . You could take just 18 days of annual leave and visit 16 different countries this year. That comes to a total of 41 days off in 2025 (and early 2026) spent travelling the world.

Watch the video above. READ MORE: Hotel openings and news to get excited about in 2025 Over the Easter public holidays, you'll be able to score 16 days off by taking just 7 days of leave. To be on holiday from April 12 to April 27, take off April 14 to 17 and April 22 to 24.

With these 16 days of freedom, you'll be able to get a taste of seven different countries in Europe, with time to spare for international flights. This is an ideal time of year to visit central Europe - gorgeous spring weather without the stress and overcrowding of the summer tourism season. We recommend the following itinerary to maximise your leave period: READ MORE: Why you should extend your layover in Singapore For all states an territories except WA and QLD, the King's Birthday falls on Monday 9 June, meaning you can maximise the long weekend to score 9 days off by taking just 4 days of leave from Tuesday June 9 to Friday June 13.

We recommend a South Pacific itinerary for this shorter holiday, allowing you to enjoy this usually-hot and humid region during the temperate winter months. READ MORE: 'Holy grail' .

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