
In a world riven by differences, we often forget the underlying unity of everything. Yet that is what the Sufi mystics have emphasized upon. When the mystics celebrate love, they celebrate Ishq e Haqeeqi, the Divine Love which is the nature of soul.

The mystics know that since eternity, the soul possesses within itself the ability to flower and blossom into Ishq e Haqeeqi. Complete and total love for the Divine shall blossom and illuminate the individual if the individual nourishes and nurtures it with complete love and surrender towards the Almighty. Sufi mystics have always known that Ishq e Haqeeqi is achievable through Ishq e Majazi (metaphorical love).

Ishq e Majazi is characterized by submission and loyalty towards the perfect spiritual guide. The mystics celebrate love for God, and the yearning for oneness with God. They celebrate the transformative power of love to elevate human life.

Many dilemmas and stresses of the modern world arise because of our conditioned thinking that we exist in an isolated human bubble. We experience the world at a very individual level, forgetting our inseparable connection to the miraculous, wondrous universe that holds us. It is this isolated human bubble that leads us to feelings of loneliness and emptiness despite the daily dance of existence around us.

For the Sufis, the world is a spiritual concert. Only those who have experienced love for the Divine can revel in the mystical sway of love. In the Sufi vision, oneness with God is our divine right.

The few fortunate ones who completely surrender to the Almighty in love and faith are able to truly realize this divine right. Sufis regard love as the highest form of knowledge. Those who seek this divine knowledge shall ultimately find it.

For the Sufis, God is the Beloved. Seeking the Beloved is life’s true purpose. Finding the Beloved is what shall liberate man.

It is tasawwuf – a process of purification – that shall enable the lover to be one with his Divine Beloved. The 13 th century Sufi poet Molana Rumi is the most loved Sufi mystic globally, and also the most read and explored. A line from one of Rumi’s verses is regarded as one of the most inspirational quotes ever.

On social media and on search engines, these words are quoted and attributed to Rumi. Certainly, their motivational power is unparalleled. The quote is this: “What you seek is seeking you.

” Globally, the beauty of these words has been acknowledged. And yet, Sufi scholars emphasize that this is not what Rumi said. They have quoted Persian to illustrate that the words used by Rumi were this: You are what you seek.

What Rumi said was that your seeking defines you. A man’s dreams, desires, aspirations define him. And hence, Sufi mystics have always urged man to yearn for God.

In seeking the Almighty, one may find one’s own Self. Because it is in the losing of one’s own self that one may ultimately find God. The false walls of ego must drop so that the divine light can enter us.

And it is possible by love which surrenders to the Beloved the Almighty. Hazrat Amir Khusro, a mystic and a spiritual disciple of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi, is one of India’s most loved poets. Hazrat Khusro continues to be revered as an iconic figure in the cultural history of the Indian subcontinent.

He wrote extensively on Ishq e Haqeeqi, and also on Ishq e Majazi. In one couplet, Khusro writes: The only cure for the patient of love is the sight of his Beloved – Other than this no medicine does he need. If there be no pilot in our boat, let there be none; We have God in our midst; the sea we do not need.

This is the monumental power of love. Sufi mystics have known that love is endowed with the potential to free man from the ties of the false self. In their writings, the Sufis have constantly emphasized that love can raise man from the pettiness of nafs , the false ego and the tyranny of social conditioning.

The spiritual opportunities of love are immense. It is for man to renounce the layers of false ego which trap him, and drink from the cup of divine love. For the Sufi mystics, the Almighty as the Beloved is always close and intimate.

There is no distance and there is no separation. Sufi mystics have celebrated the sun that reveals itself in the tiniest atom. They have celebrated the ocean that can be found in a single drop.

They have revelled in loving God the Almighty as one’s Beloved. Love for the Almighty is a nectar that all may partake in, but few do. Most people pass by life, caught in its ordinariness.

But only those who become one with the Almighty truly partake of the joy and bliss of life. Bulle Shah, one of the most loved poets of the subcontinent, wrote of how love for the Beloved transforms the lowly self into an extension of the Beloved. Worshipping my lover’s name I became my lover O call me by my lover’s name My own name is lost My Lover resides in me, I reside in my Lover There is no other truth for me.


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