
For the seventh straight year, I’ve decided to be your personal travel agent. While these rankings are based on my experiences of traveling around the NHL ’s cities for the past 15 years, I’m attempting to put myself in the shoes of fans who haven’t been to any of these cities. I consider in-game experience, getting there, finances, extracurricular fun and much more.

Advertisement This season might not be the most exciting for the Penguins . So, perhaps you need to spice it up and hit the road. Make sure to read the first part of this guide: Away we go.

The ‘Day Trip’ Division Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I will never besmirch the good people of Buffalo. Those poor people have been through so much. If you’re bored and are looking for a day trip — or a fun voyage to Niagara Falls, which is 30 minutes away and super cheap in the winter — go for it.

You’ll have fun. Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I always recommend this trip, especially if you don’t have much experience in traveling to see the Penguins play. It’s a beautiful building, the arena district is legendary for its proper design and subsequent prosperity, and it’s just so, so convenient.

Go for it. The ‘Enigma’ Division Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I struggle so much with where to rank Seattle. Many will be horrified that I have it ranked so low.

But I’ve got to be honest: In my two trips there, I haven’t been blown away. It’s very pretty along the water, of course, and the restaurant scene is world class. I just don’t like downtown that much, and it’s an awfully long flight there.

Most will rank it higher, but if you’re choosing between Seattle and Vancouver, the answer is Vancouver. The ‘Big City’ Division Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line Washington is a perfect weekend trip. It’s close, there’s so much to do, and you’ll see one of the final Sid-Ovi chapters.

And there is this: The Penguins play in Washington on Nov. 8, a Friday night. So, it’s in perfect line with making this a weekend trip.

And even better, guess who plays in Washington against the Commanders on Sunday, Nov. 10? That’s right, your Pittsburgh Steelers. Seems like a no-brainer of a trip.

Also, hotels tend to be much cheaper in D.C. on weekends.

Advertisement Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I quite enjoy Boston in the spring. It’s warm, the historical sites and wonderful and walkable, and maybe the Red Sox will be in town so you can visit Fenway Park. There’s nothing spring-like about late November, which impacts the enjoyability of this trip.

That said, it’s a great town with many things worth seeing. So if you’ve always had the itch to go to Boston, I’d recommend it. Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I like Anaheim better, but if you’re going to one, you’re likely going to the other, too.

This is a fun place to see a game. It’s also quite a nice getaway from Pittsburgh winters in January. Always recommended.

Make sure you visit the Manhattan Beach Pier. There’s something beautifully soulful about it. Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line Chicago, like Boston, is weather-dependent to some extent.

I don’t much care for it in January. In April? Now we’re talking. Totally recommended even if the game might be meaningless in this standings.

It’s Chicago in the spring. Plus, the Penguins play here on a Sunday. Make a weekend of it and thank me later.

Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line If you’ve never been to the Garden, treat yourself. In many ways, it is the greatest venue in sports. That December trip looks mighty intriguing with Christmas right around the corner.

New York and Montreal are my two favorite cities around the holidays. Always recommend this trip. Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line I’m appalled with myself that I don’t have this trip ranked higher.

It’s absolutely one of my favorite stops. If I were to rank my personal top five favorite cities to visit, Dallas probably makes the list. But I’m trying to make this list for everyone.

Still, you can’t go wrong with seeing a game in Dallas. Everything about it is cool. Advertisement Why you should go Why you shouldn’t go Bottom line Always a trip worth considering.

Toronto is a spectacular town and particularly nice in the spring. The Penguins play there on a Saturday night. Go on Friday, enjoy that evening, visit the Hall of Fame on Saturday afternoon, enjoy the game and leave Sunday morning.

Traffic isn’t bad then, and you’ll be home in time for the Steelers’ 4 p.m. kickoff that day.

See, I think of everything for yinz. If you love hockey, you’ve got to make this trip at some point. It’s worth it.

Well, if you can afford it. (Photo of Seattle’s Climate Pledge Arena: Steph Chambers / Getty Images).

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