Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday hit out at Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who carried a bag with ‘Palestine’ written on it . “A Congress leader was roaming around in the Parliament carrying a bag with Palestine written on it, while we are sending the youth of Uttar Pradesh to Israel. More than 5600 youth of UP have gone to Israel for construction work so far,” ANI quoted the chief minister as saying in the state assembly.
“Every youth is getting free accommodation and food, a salary of ₹ 1.5 lakh per month and complete security is also guaranteed,” he added. ‘Palestine' bag row On Monday, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra carried a bag with ‘Palestine’ emblazoned on it, signifying her support for the Palestinians.
Reacting to the bag, BJP MP Anurag Thakur said,"She did not speak a word on atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh but wants to make a fashion statement with the Palestine bag." Hitting back at BJP, Vadra said,"Who is going to decide what clothes I am going to wear? This is typical patriarchy , deciding what a woman should wear." "The atrocities happening in Bangladesh, against minorities and Hindus.
..something should be done regarding this.
Talks should be held with Bangladesh govt regarding this...
and they should not say such useless things" Vadra told reporters. India's stand on Israel-Palestine conflict According to a statement from the Ministry of External Affairs, India has strongly condemned the terror attacks on.