Rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh was joined by actor Varun Dhawan in West Delhi during the promotions of his upcoming film Baby John in the National Capital. The rapper took to Instagram, where he shared a picture posing with the actor. In the image, Honey Singh is seen all dressed up in a black overcoat, shirt and pants to beat the winter cold while Varun unfazed by the Delhi chills wore a white half sleeves T-shirt with “Baby John” written on it paired with denims.
‘Baby John’ Trailer: Varun Dhawan Brings Out His Action Mode as a Fearless Cop in This High-Octane Hindi Remake of ‘Theri’ Co-Starring Keerthy Suresh and Jackie Shroff (Watch Video). “My lil brother @varundvn doing nain mattaka in west delhi!! BABY JOHN IS COMING keep it locked #yoyohoneysingh #varundhawan #babyjohn,” Honey Singh wrote as the caption. googletag.
cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1560419204258-2'); }); View this post on Instagram A post shared by Yo Yo Honey Singh (@yoyohoneysingh) Before Delhi, Varun visited Jaipur to promote the film.
He spent a day in Jaipur to promote his upcoming film Baby John and savoured on dal bati and vada pav. Varun took to Instagram, where he shared a string of images of himself from Jaipur. In the first picture, the actor is seen wearing the traditional Rajasthani pagdi and trying the authentic Rajasthani thali.
The actor in the next image, is seen posing in front of a chartered plane. He then shared a photograph of himself gorging on a vada p.