For the week ending Dec. 21, 1924 Motor Burns Out, Mill Idle Today Its entire machinery made useless by the burning out of a small motor, Mill B of the Brooks-Scanlon plant was idle today. The work of changing the motor drive over to the belt drive — the only manner of operating the mill until the motor is replaced — was being carried on this afternoon.
Virtually all employes of Mill B were taking a brief vacation today, a vacation which was much appreciated because of the arctic temperature. Use Crane And Log To Break Pond Ice Methods of breaking the ice in the Shevlin-Hixon log pond which reminded trout fishermen of their summer sport, were adopted by the logging crews this morning. In order to clear an alley way through the log pond from where the logs are dumped from cars to the slip which carries them to the mill, the company sent to the woods for a logging crane.
To this giant arm was attached a log, which was cast, much after the fashion of a trout fly, out over the pond. Where it struck, the ice was broken, and with the aid of dynamite where this method could not be used, the route to the mill was cleared. This afternoon logs were being unloaded from the cars only as fast as they were needed, for in spite of the sunshine it was still freezing.
Since the cold spell began, crews along the log ponds on both sides of the river have been increased, but even so they have had a hard, constant and disagreeable fight to keep the pond from freezing up hopelessly. Several me.