Josh Lucas, the actor renowned for his roles in Yellowstone and Sweet Home Alabama , has announced his engagement to girlfriend Brianna Ruffalo. The 53-year-old actor shared the news on Instagram on Sunday, posting videos of an emotional Ruffalo after he proposed. In one clip, Ruffalo, an ABC7 Los Angeles meteorologist, is seen wiping tears from her eyes with a diamond ring, clearly visible on her finger.
Congratulations to the couple! 'I am so grateful and thrilled she said 'Yes' In another video shared by Lucas, a band is seen playing an acoustic version of Elvis Presley 's Can't Help Falling in Love . The camera then focuses on his fiancee, giving fans a closer look at her engagement ring. Lucas captioned the post with a heartfelt message: "For the last 2 years in Every Way and Every Day this beautiful soul has made me and my life better, deeper, and more whole.
" "I am so grateful and thrilled she said 'Yes.'" Ruffalo also celebrated her engagement on Instagram Ruffalo also celebrated their engagement on Instagram, posting an edited video showing the same moments Lucas had shared. In addition, she posted a still shot of her hand with the engagement ring and Lucas smiling opposite her at a restaurant table.
Her caption read: "Almost 2 years ago this fall, and with no expectations, Josh walked into my life...
and we knew almost immediately we had each found our person in a way we've never experienced—on every level." Couple's vacation in Italy preceded the engagement announ.