
We are just over a week on from the General Election . We now have a new Labour government after 14 years of the Conservatives. I am delighted to be elected as one of the 412 Labour MPs elected to Westminster.

I am proud to represent Bolton South and Walkden as a Labour MP and I will work hard every day to repay the faith my constituents have shown me. For those who did not vote for me for any reason, I will work on the issues that matter to you and deliver on the promises I made. As the election campaign showed, there is so much to do and so much to fix in our country.

I know the scale of the challenges ahead and I will be focused on ensuring my constituents’ concerns are at the very top of the agenda. My main focus in the first few months of this Parliament will be on housing. Many constituents I meet tell me that the cost of living, housing conditions and the lack of opportunity to rent and buy affordable homes is a huge worry.

I will be making tackling this a priority. Labour has already committed to reforming our planning system, building more homes and regulating rent. I will be pushing for those changes my constituents want to see.

Everyone deserves a safe, affordable and secure home. It is not right that people on what should be decent wages cannot afford to rent and buy. I will also be continuing my work on the APPG for Dentistry and Oral Health tackling the crisis faced in dentistry.

I am pleased that we now have a Labour Government that does not bury its head in the sand like the Conservatives have done and acknowledge that NHS dentistry is in a state of serious decline. Labour will be creating more appointments and I will be working closely with patient groups and the British Dental Association (BDA) to ensure their voices are heard and we can work together to save NHS dentistry. Thanks again to all those who put their faith in me to be your MP and in a Labour Government.

The hard work starts now and I will work every day to deliver the change the country desperately needs..

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