
Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the expanded meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), or SCO+, and delivers an important speech titled "Joining Hands to Build a More Beautiful Home Of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization" in Astana, Kazakhstan, July 4, 2024. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei) ASTANA, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping here on Thursday called for building a common home featuring solidarity and mutual trust, peace and tranquility, prosperity and development, good-neighborliness and friendship, as well as fairness and justice. Xi made the remarks when attending the expanded meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), or SCO+.

At present, changes of historical significance across the world during our times are unfolding in ways like never before, Xi said, adding that the international landscape is undergoing rapid transformation. To cope with this major transformation, the key is to have the wisdom to see the changes, the ability to deal with the changes, and the courage to make changes, Xi said. China proposes that SCO member states do more to share their experience on governance and hold the SCO Political Parties Forum at an appropriate time, he said.

No matter how the international landscape changes, the SCO must hold the bottom line of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, Xi said. Real security is premised on the security of all countries, he added. We need to respect the development path of respective,.

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