
Chrissy Goodings, a business member of the Feel Good Norfolk Network, shares how she went from being a chakra sceptic to a chakra specialist running retreats helping people to connect and balance their chakra systems I was definitely a sceptic when it came to chakras. Even the word itself made me feel like it was all a bit too "woo" for me. Then I tried it, and wow! The results were so transformational that 10 years later, I'm running a successful business focused on the seven chakras, their significance, and how we can balance them to improve our overall health.

Back in the early 2000s, I knew nothing about chakras. Did I believe "energy centres" actually existed? No. Did I think these "energy centres" could be tuned up like a car going for a service every few months? Absolutely not.

Don't get me wrong, I knew enough about physics to accept that energy is real. But the idea that energy in our bodies, if blocked, could cause disruptions to our overall well-being? No, I just didn't buy it. (Image: Feel Good Norfolk Network) As I delved deeper into the world of chakras, I began recognising signs of blocked energy within myself.

I was experiencing fatigue, anxiety, lower back pain and a heavy feeling in my heart, all symptoms I had previously brushed off as side effects of a high-stress, low-rest lifestyle. I felt disconnected from friends, family, and colleagues; my body was exhausted, and my mind was overwhelmed, like a TV stuck on static. Even my go-to self-care practices, such as going for walks, exercise, and maintaining a healthy diet, seemed to have little impact.

My interest in the chakra system began when I started practising yoga and meditation for my own health, suffering from IBS symptoms and back pain, anxiety and stress. As I explored these practices, I became fascinated by the concept of these energy centres and how they relate to our physical and emotional health. The chakra chapter of my journey began when I was on a retreat myself.

I found it so relaxing that all the background chatter disappeared from my brain, allowing me to think clearly. Which led to a light bulb moment, where I was inspired to create the Chakra Day retreats series. I’d never held a day retreat before, but I love a challenge, so I was all in! This has led me to overcome fears around social anxiety and public speaking, learning to step out of my comfort zone and embrace my vulnerability.

Definitely, At times this has been super scary but so rewarding! So what on earth actually are chakras? Simply put, chakras are energy centres along our spine that connect to our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This concept originated from ancient Hindu and yogic traditions and has been used for centuries to improve health by aligning our energy flow. There are seven main chakra points running up the spine, and when they're in balance, energy flows smoothly.

However, blockages can form when they're out of balance, causing discomfort and potentially leading to health issues. Regularly practicing chakra balancing techniques can help keep our energy flowing healthily. When looking at a cross-section of the body, you'll notice clusters of nerve endings at each chakra point, showing how interconnected our energy systems are.

It's fascinating to explore how these energy centres and systems, like the nervous and endocrine systems, work together to maintain balance through hormone regulation. For example, the Root Chakra is linked to our adrenal glands, influencing our sense of safety and security through the fight-or-flight response. Deep belly breathing, Mountain Pose, and affirmations like "I am safe and grounded" can strengthen the Root Chakra and help us feel more secure.

Practicing barefoot can even deepen our connection to the earth. Another example is the Heart Chakra's connection to the vagus nerve, which plays a big role in stress regulation. By understanding these connections, we see how compassion and forgiveness can help us maintain good health.

Chakra balancing techniques truly contribute to a healthier, more harmonious life. Curious to learn more about chakras and their benefits? There's seven chakras, each focussing on something and if balanced correctly, can have all sorts of health benefits: 1. Root Chakra (base of the spine): focuses on stability, security, and grounding, helping you feel rooted in the present moment.

2. Sacral Chakra (lower abdomen): links to creativity, pleasure, and emotions, fostering self-expression and emotional intelligence. 3.

Solar Plexus Chakra (upper abdomen): connected to self-confidence, personal power, and determination, empowering you to pursue your goals. 4. Heart Chakra (centre of the chest): embodies love, compassion, and emotional balance, promoting meaningful connections and relationships.

5. Throat Chakra (throat area): governs communication, expression, and authenticity, encouraging you to speak your truth. 6.

Third Eye Chakra (forehead): symbolises intuition, wisdom, and insight, allowing you to tap into your inner guidance. 7. Crown Chakra (top of the head): represents spiritual connection and enlightenment, fostering a deeper understanding of life and the world around us.

You can balance your chakras through practices like yoga, breathwork, meditation, body scans, and affirmations tailored to each energy centre. While meditation and yoga are popular tools, there are other methods too. Immersing yourself in nature, such as forest bathing, practicing gratitude, and even eating foods corresponding to specific chakras can help maintain balance.

One of my clients recently shared her experience from one of my retreats. Struggling with back pain linked to stress and her busy schedule, she decided to prioritise her well-being by attending a chakra balancing session. As I guided her through a chakra body scan, she focused on each body part and became aware of the tension and stress she was holding.

Gradually, she felt the pain dissipate as she consciously relaxed her muscles and released emotional blockages. By the end of the session, her back pain had significantly subsided and she said she left “lighter and brighter” As we continued with regular chakra balancing sessions, she noticed a considerable reduction in her pain and improvements in her mood and overall well-being. Integrating chakra balancing techniques into her routine gave her the tools to effectively identify areas of tension and promote relaxation.

These small yet impactful changes can help you create a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Now specialising in chakras work, I host regular day retreats at The Yoga Tree, and am excited to be holding a full weekend retreat at Moat Island Glamping in Norfolk. Where we'll offer a deeper exploration of the chakra system in a welcoming woodland setting.

Over the course of the weekend, you can engage in a variety of activities including yoga, guided meditation, breathwork, forest bathing and self-care practices alongside our wild spa area, including a sauna and natural swimming pool, all designed to align your energy centres and help you to relax, unwind and reconnect with nature. You’ll also learn practical tools to maintain balance in your daily life. Starting next year, we're planning a chakra-inspired supper club in Norwich, where you can enjoy delicious dishes, connect with like-minded people, and experience the benefits of chakra-focused dining for yourself.

To find out more about Chrissy and the work she does, you can listen to her recent podcast with Feel Good Norfolk here - open.spotify.com/episode/0LrLyxaBdPF9Z0GBEnGEEC?si=ApgOS8TXTfa0s4fTUbzTJg Places on Chrissy’s retreats are bookable via buytickets.

at/fieldofdreams or email [email protected].

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