
Some of the hardest wounds to heal are those of the heart and soul. Some people say that time heals all wounds. This may very well be true; however, how much time we have allotted to ourselves remains a mystery.

Only God knows the answers to the many questions we may have. The enemy continues to use members of our immediate families to try and entangle us in the snares of sin. Only the chosen ones who are strongly rooted in the Word of God can recognize this type of attack.

The devil has no respect towards anyone who confesses to be a born-again Christian. He targets them and tries to make them fall and puts evil thoughts in their minds in order to destroy their faith in God. People are sometimes funny characters and at times, it is very difficult to analyze and comprehend their thoughts.

Thanks be to our God that we are all under His divine protection during our twenty-four hour day. This is something that we as Christians should be grateful for. Some people do not believe that we are under a constant microscope from God.

They do not care about the daily things that go on about them and continue to live a care-free life. The true Christian, however, knows that one day, we will all have to give an account for our actions before God. We, as Christians, must remember that hurts and wants are inevitable and are going to continually come our way.

As we realize this, we also know that there is a time and a season for everything in this life. The time is coming soon when the bad things will quickly come to an end and everything else in the world will pass on by. We must also remember that the Bible tells us, ”And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

” (Daniel 12:3) We must always be on guard for the “wicked one" who lurks among us and tries to deceive many in this world today. It is not God’s will that any of His children be in want or in hurt, but for them to be full of His joy in this world. This is the life He has chosen for us to live while we are in this world.

No one can effectively serve God and be a good witness while being in hurt. His or her mind will have a difficult time in thinking and comprehending the things around them. The Word of God tell us in Proverbs in 4:23, “Keep thy heart with diligence; For out of it are the issues of life.

” We need to guard it above everything else. The image of our living Father abides in our heart where the center of our feelings is found. We will always succeed in this life if we keep this thought in our minds and in our hearts.

God is a good God and we must let Him direct our paths. Sign up to get our free daily email of the biggest stories! It also states in Proverbs 10:20, “the heart of the wicked is of little value.” It is a sad thing to read about a heart that is without God’s presence.

This type of heart cannot possess the image of our God. You may ask, “what can we do to solve this problem in the world today?” The answer to that question is very simple. The human heart cannot function in two directions at the same time.

This is when we as Christians must realize how far our loving God has brought us through. It is at this precise time when we truly recognize who we are and where we must stand in the world we live in today. He has put us under His foundation which is built on faith.

This faith enables us to see the unseen and allows us to go wherever He leads us. He allows us to go a little further than our natural eyes can take us. This faith will someday allow us to see Him in all His Glory.

Amen. Whenever hurt seems to come our way we must remember that we are never alone. God helps us to remove every dark cloud around us and lets in the “light.

” He helps us to be able to see the light that shines ahead of each and every one of us. I always say, “the darker the night, the brighter the light will be.” Thinking in this manner separates us from the way the worldly people think.

The difference is found in who we believe in and to whom we confess to. We may never be exempt from hurts and wants in this world but with the help of God, we can cope with it and He will see us through hard times that lie ahead..

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