
star branded the show's latest property a 'Little Shop Of Horrors'. The presenter stars with her brother Stuart in the show, helping property developers who have bought dilapidated cheap at auction and want to turn them into luxury homes to sell or rent for a profit. The latest episode of series two saw the show visit Sheerness on the in Kent, where husband and wife Ian and Steph had bought a building that was a derelict shop with a flat above, which they hoped to turn into a three bedroom home.

Seeing the shop for the first time Scarlette and Stuart both agreed the high street property in Sheerness was the worst they had ever featured on the show. One resident said: "It is the horror of the high street." Entering the back of the house Scarlette - who appeared in 2022 - confessed: "If I'm honest I don't even feel safe in here.

" She then told brother Stuart: "It reminds of a musical that I one did - Little Shop Of Horrors. Get it?!" But Ian was confident he could to the majority of the work himself, on budget, declaring: "I'm the Womble of the building world, I'll restore, recycle." But Scarlette admitted she was "very much on the fence as to whether Ian is going to pull off this Herculean task.

" Scarlette : "We probably wouldn't have taken on the property in tonight's episode because it's a lot. Not only are they doing the property, they're doing the shop area as well. It needed so much work done to it.

And they were doing a lot of the work themselves as well, which I really praised them for and commended, especially the guy Ian. It's a big renovation." Stuart added: "When I first saw the property, I couldn't help thinking: Have you really bought this?" Scarlette revealed: "Ian bought it at auction without telling his wife Steph and he's no spring chicken!" Stuart said: "We're very experienced in doing this [15 years property experience].

But I looked at it and I thought we would not take this one on. Ian and Steph have determination. Maybe we've been beaten down over the years and we probably know too much of properties that can be problematic.

They're going into it, with that energy, that vigour. We looked at the house and thought, 'This guy is crazy!'" When Stuart visited the property after the renovations had begun, he found that Ian was living in the building site while he was working. The TV presenter exclaimed: "You're sleeping here?! Rather you than me!" As the costs began to spiral up and the project his more hurdles.

Stuart asked Ian: "Do you think and be honest with me, that you've bitten off more than you can chew? Ian replied: "Yes, I'll just learn to chew quicker." Stuart added: "And how is Steph when she comes to visit?" Ian said: "She's great, she's been really supportive." The budget for the project began at £30,000 rising to £36,000 and a time limit of three months.

Scarlette and Stuart returned to visit after four months and declared "miracles can happen" when they saw the contemporary clad shop front. Stuart said: "Before it looked like a decrepit wreck!" Scarlette told Ian and Steph: "Wow! This is one of the biggest transformations we have ever seen." Ian said: "its not been easy but we've done it together.

Steph said: "It's been hard work but it's paid off. It feels good." When Steph revealed they had finished the project under budget at £34k, Scarlette and Stuart were shocked and impressed.

After estate agents valued the property, they revealed it could make £250k, which was a £63k profit, and a 35.5 per cent return on their investment in 17 weeks. One viewer on social media: "The couple have completely surprised me with their taste, style & ability to transform the property.

What an achievement! Don’t judge a book by its cover.".

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