
Romans 11:36: For of HIM, and through HIM, and to HIM are all things, to whom be glory forever, Amen. When I woke up this morning, an old song was running through my mind, by Mylon LaFevre, its title is “Without Him”. I sat up and loaded the song on my phone and sang along in my morning voice, which I assure you isn’t a Grammy Award sound.

Then I thought of a funny, yet sad story. My family loved all the Gaither Videos, maybe you’ve seen some of them. Mylon LaFevre was featured on some.

My daughters and I thought he was very handsome and a beautiful singer, especially this song. My husband liked him too, although he said that he didn’t particularly think he was all that handsome. My daughter Gina bought a little blue parakeet and named him, Mylon LaFeather.

A few months later she got married and they went on their honeymoon. Upon returning they spent their last night in our town in a hotel. On the way to the car the next morning her new hubby carried the birdcage, and the bottom fell out and Mylon flew away.

Gina called us crying hysterically, asking us if we could bring our boombox over to the hotel and try to entice Mylon to come to us by playing his favorite song. We spent three days over there, at different times of day and night playing the music. It’s a wonder someone didn’t call the police on us.

My husband felt the little fellow had already met his demise, because he was bright blue and some predator probably got him. At that news my daughter and I cried too. Gina and her hubby had to go on to New York City to their church.

(Later they got a new bird, bright yellow and he was delightful). So that story ends well for my daughter. “Without Him” is a beautiful song.

I encourage you to get on your phone and download it, on Daystar. The words are true for us today, even more than back then. We need direction, we need guidance, we need to know what to do and how to do it, and when.

We can’t do any of that without Him. The song says without Him, we’d surely fall, and lose direction. Like a ship without a sail, we’d be drifting.

Without Him, we’d be dying or be enslaved, and life would be hopeless. You may think, “Well, I don’t have Jesus in my life and I’m doing quite well,” and you may be, but what will happen when you leave this earth? Will Heaven be your home? Not without Him. Can your troubled marriage be saved and turned around? Not without Him.

We need Him for every aspect of our lives. When my husband passed, I could not have made it, without HIM. I rely on Him every day of my life.

He comforts me when I’m grieving. He gives me peace when turmoil is all around me. He literally provides for me in every way.

I love Him. He is my Lord, my Savior and my King. He sees every tear, He hears every prayer, He feels our hurt, He sees our pain.

He is the God who sees, hears and cares. If you don’t already know Him, call on His name. His name is Jesus.

He will come into your life, forgive your sins, and guide your steps, all you have to do is ask. The last part of that song says, “Jesus O Jesus, do you know Him today? Do not turn Him away, Without Him, how lost I would be! Think about it. Until next time!.

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