
It can feel pretty deflating to scroll through social media during summertime. Our feeds are filled with pictures of glamorous influencers on luxury holidays. The water is crystal clear, there aren't clouds in the sky and many of the content creators look picture perfect.

Often though, this isn't an accurate representation of real life. And internet stars like Danae Mercer want to show people just how fake these apps can be. The 37-year-old, from the US, recently told her 2.

3 million followers how influencers pose to look 'better' online. Many use clever poses, angles and lighting tricks to boost their looks. So to show how easy this is to do, Danae posed a video where she faked a 'thigh gap' in a matter of seconds.

It was easy as changing her positioning and using her hands to manipulate her body. On Instagram , the body positive babe wrote: "Does anyone else get sore thighs where they together rub in summer? Yeah. Me too.

And it got me thinking about this THIGH influencer hack: "Here’s a ‘trick’ we haven’t talked about yet: how influencers fake THIGH GAPS while LAYING DOWN. So here we go: They lay on their side with one arm up to hold the camera (this itself is really uncomfortable). They arch their back and squeeze their core.

They twist their shoulder to the mirror (otherwise it looks really uncomfy - which again, it is). And then they GRAB THEIR THIGH to create the ‘gap’. "This also helps build an hourglass shape by pulling the bum bum up and out.

And bam! They take a photo. It’s not at all casual, but hey, it’s good for the ‘gram. "My point, as always, is NOT to shame anyone who poses.

Sometimes posing is fun, and I absolutely do it too. I just want to pull back the curtain and remind you about this. "About how the internet isn’t real.

About how thighs sometimes touch. And sometimes, in the summer, they rub together enough to make a lil rash. And that’s ok too.

Be kind to yourself." Since it was posted online two days ago, Danae's post has garnered 9,500 likes and plenty of positive comments. Many thanked the Instagrammer for being so honest about her approach to social media.

One wrote: "This is actually comforting since I hate this part of my body the most – I'm constantly trying to get rid of it but it's all in vain." Another said: "Yess! Definitely feel that thighs are a lot closer during the summer. Thank you always for normalising the normal parts of our body.

" And a third added: "I love that you show this.".

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