
Previously they were used only to make stock, but you can’t beat the sticky deliciousness of glazed and roasted crispy chicken wings Chicken wings glazed with Korean chilli paste, soy and honey Any time I’m at a party and see chicken wings, if I’m honest, I almost always disgrace myself. There’s nothing as joyful as a glass of something cold in one hand and a chicken wing in the other. They’re messy, fun and delicious and definitely not suitable for an elegant dinner party.

We used to ignore the wing of the chicken and use it for stock, but it has had a renaissance in recent years. Gochujang is a Korean red chilli paste that has also become more readily available. Chillis are fermented with rice, soy and malt barley, making for sweet, sour and savoury notes.

You can buy small jars in supermarkets now, but it’s much better value to go to an Asian shop and buy a big tub. I keep it in the fridge and add it any time I want a kick of spice..

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