
More than 300 adults, children and dogs ran, jogged and walked 5,000 metres across the manor’s grounds to take part in the 500th Parkrun at the historic site. Held weekly – weather permitting – the first event was on January 12, 2013 and since then participants have crossed its finish line close to 140,000 times. Co-event director Tina Filby said: "Our 500th event went very smoothly.

It was a perfect morning, blue skies and no wind; lovely running conditions.” Parkrun, sponsored by Vitality, is a collection of 5,000 metre runs held on Saturday mornings. Since being founded 20 years ago in London, it has developed into a global brand connecting events from Johannesburg in South Africa to the coast of Singapore.

The Wimpole Hall Parkrun is particularly popular, in part due to its setting, but also because of its single loop structure – as opposed to laps – and the route’s eccentricity which includes paths for flocks of sheep and the infamous ‘Hill of Doom’ in the middle. Although on this occasion Colchester was the furthest anyone came from, it has attracted ‘Parkrun tourists’ from the United States and Australia. Tina Filby added: "We’re very, very privileged to be able to run in such a beautiful location.

With the National Trust’s support, we hope it will continue for another 10 or so years.” Watching on for the National Trust, property operations manager Andy Valentine said it was great that people came and enjoyed “some fresh air, some exercise and this wonderful estate. For us [the National Trust], it’s really about opening our gates for the benefit of the local community.

” Christopher Norfolk - who ran the 500th and the very first Wimpole Hall Parkrun - said: "It’s pretty much the same but now they scan the barcodes on an iPhone rather than little scanners. Royston Arts Festival launches with artwork and opening night concert New light artworks to add 'extra sparkle' at Wimpole this Christmas "The National Trust surroundings are stunning. You’ve got the scenery, the large house, the facilities, the restaurant, the cattle and the sheep – which also adds to it – and the great people as well.

" This week’s run was won in a time of 18:13; and the fastest woman completed it in 22:15. Thirty-five people volunteered to direct the runners and be on hand in the case of any incidents. In his speech at the start Tina Filby’s fellow event director Simon Skinner thanked all the volunteers without whom the Parkrun would not take place.

The Wimpole Hall Parkrun is held every Saturday at 9am..

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