
Will Smith might want to start gearing up for the apocalypse ...

'cause he seemed to have the streets all to himself in the early morning -- and, it got him thinking about "I Am Legend." The actor shared a video to Instagram ..

. telling fans he's walking through Zurich, Switzerland, in the early hours and flashing back to the hit 2007 flick -- 'cause he says he's not seeing another soul. Smith explains he's only in Zurich because his plane couldn't take off .

.. unclear why exactly he's in Europe -- but, he says he needed to spend the night.

WS says it's so quiet ...

with the loudest noise coming from a particularly vocal crow he tries to shush into submission. But, one moment does get Will's voice raised due to excitement ..

. 'cause he geeks out when he sees a particularly well-known Swiss item -- watch the clip until the end to see the star fangirl. Will's going to need to dive back into the "I Am Legend" mindset soon enough .

.. 'cause the sequel's coming soon -- and will feature Hollywood hunk Michael B.

Jordan . During a recent interview with People , Michael confirmed he's working on the script with Will ..

. adding the movie's coming along nicely. Fans of the film will know Will's character (MAJOR SPOILER HERE) dies in the original theatrical version .

.. but, an alternate ending on the DVD sees him escape with his life -- and, that's the ending filmmakers are running with.

No word yet on when the two plan to actually shoot the flick ...

but, looks like Zurich might make a great backdrop!.

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