
W orst holiday ever? Hmm. Tricky. There was the trip I took in India — as in, I was already living in India but went to another bit — where I swam in a minging sea and got an ear infection and then went deaf, and my head and neck swelled up.

And so I went to the ENT doctor at the local hospital and he shoved a cloth daubed in ointment deeeeep into my ear with what looked like a knitting needle and told me to come back in a week. Sounds bad? Ha! We’re just getting started. Because I did go back in a week, still deaf, and that doctor wasn’t even there, and nobody else had even heard of him, and his office — I’m not kidding here — had a completely different name on the door.

And so eventually the new doctor grudgingly peered into my ear and said the cloth had disappeared too. We never found it, not even after I had an operation. Maybe one day it will come out of my toe.


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