
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Blacklane has expanded its City-to-City service. Blacklane I’ve long been a fan of Blacklane , a luxury car service that operates all over the world— in more than 50 countries to be exact. Whether I’m in Paris, London, Los Angeles or at home in New York, Blacklane is my go-to when I’m headed for the airport or getting picked up after my flight.

You can pre-book the rides or get them on-demand. Either way, I love the impeccable service, friendly and professional drivers and premium vehicles which are always clean and well stocked with bottled water, wipes and, sometimes, mints and other candy. The seats are spacious and plush, inviting you settle in.

I usually pre-book my rides and always get a text well ahead of my pickup time with the name of my driver who I know will be there well in advance of the trip. Blacklane has a great City-to-City service that transports riders— as the name suggests- between urban destinations all over the globe. As of today, the service is expanding to encompass 68 more cities in the US.

According to a company release, “The expansion replicates mass transit paths in major metropolitan cities in the U.S. including Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, and Detroit.

” Examples include Dallas and Oklahoma City, Charlotte and Greensboro, New York and Albany and Detroit and Cleveland. The routes appeal to business travelers, no doubt. Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that the working set often have to make day trips for the job that entail short flights such as the ever-popular route of Boston to New York.

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It’s a great option for those who prefer not to fly, or just simply want to avoid the unpredictability and limitations of air travel. “ Let’s talk about price: rates vary depending on how long the trip is and time of day. But, if you’re sharing the trip with others- say your co-workers or friends- you’ll pay less than what you would for an air ticket, and the pricing is transparent.

Plus, you’re in for a trip that’s far more pleasant. And- dare I say it- even enjoyable, which my rides with Blacklane always are..

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