
Thursday, August 29, 2024 Looking for LGBTQ+ Travel Information in Florida? You Might Be Out of Luck For years, LGBTQ+ travelers planning trips to Florida could rely on the official Visit Florida website for information on inclusive destinations, LGBTQ+-owned businesses, and activities that catered to a community seeking belonging and acceptance. However, in recent months, these resources have quietly disappeared from the site, leaving many to wonder about the state’s stance on welcoming LGBTQ+ visitors. Visit Florida, a public-private nonprofit created by the Florida Legislature in 1996, recently removed pages dedicated to LGBTQ+ travel without any formal announcement.

The exact timing of the removal is unclear, but it was first reported by NBC on August 19, 2024, indicating that the pages were taken down sometime over the summer. This action has sparked concern among residents, activists, and tourism industry professionals who see it as a signal that LGBTQ+ travelers are no longer welcome in the state. Despite numerous requests for comment, neither Visit Florida nor Governor Ron DeSantis’ office has responded.

During a news conference on Wednesday, following the online publication of this issue, Governor DeSantis claimed he only became aware of the removal after it had occurred. He emphasized that Florida is “the best place to visit” and that the state aims to be welcoming to all, but without segregating people based on different characteristics. “That’s not how we’ve done business,” he stated.

Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida, expressed her concern over the removal of the pages. “These pages existed to send a message that LGBTQ+ visitors and their families would be safe and comfortable here,” she said. “Taking them down sends the opposite message: ‘You are not welcome, and you should not feel safe here.

’” This development follows years of increasing tension around LGBTQ+ rights in Florida. In 2022, Governor DeSantis signed what critics dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law, restricting discussions of gender and sexuality in schools. This legislation and other policies have contributed to a growing sense of unease among LGBTQ+ residents and visitors.

Visit Florida, like many other state-funded destination marketing organizations, relies on government approval for its budget. For the 2024-25 fiscal year, Governor DeSantis allocated $80 million to the organization for marketing purposes. The quiet removal of the LGBTQ+ pages has led many to question the motivations behind this decision.

Smith and other advocates highlight that the removal of these resources could have broader implications for Florida’s image as a welcoming destination. In April 2023, Equality Florida, along with the Human Rights Campaign and the NAACP, issued advisories urging travelers to reconsider visiting Florida due to policies they felt were hostile to LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, and people of color. Colin Lienhard, a gay architect and designer living in Miami, noted a shift in the state’s openness toward LGBTQ+ individuals, even in traditionally liberal areas like Miami.

“It feels like they’re trying to erase us,” he said, reflecting on the removal of the pages. For years, cities like St. Petersburg, Key West, and Sarasota have been havens for LGBTQ+ travelers.

Local tourism boards have worked hard to promote diversity and inclusion. For example, in 2022, Visit Lauderdale launched the “Everyone Under the Sun” campaign to emphasize the region’s commitment to welcoming all visitors. Despite the state-level changes, local organizations like Visit Lauderdale continue to advocate for inclusivity.

“While Visit Florida removes its LGBTQ+ page, Visit Lauderdale remains committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive experience for all,” stated Stacy Ritter, CEO and President of Visit Lauderdale, on LinkedIn. Rob Dougherty, Executive Director of the Key West Business Guild, was dismayed when he learned about the removal of the pages. He reached out to Visit Florida for clarification but received no response.

Frustrated by the silence, he took to social media to reaffirm his organization’s commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ travelers. “I feel it’s important to speak out,” he said. “If we don’t respond, what will be erased next?” As Florida’s tourism landscape shifts, the removal of these pages raises important questions about the state’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

For now, LGBTQ+ travelers may need to look elsewhere for guidance on how to navigate their visits to the Sunshine State..

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