Election Day should be a national holiday. Parents should have the option to keep their children close as they make their way to the polls. It could be a matter of safety in swing states where tensions run high.
And in blue states, like where me and my family live in New York City, it’s best to have the babies near when you experience the type of disappointment that makes your stomach churn, head hurt, and causes you to question if will ever get what we truly deserve. Children are profound in their simplicity. The day after the election results declared against Vice President Kamala Harris, I was disappointed but not surprised.
I had hoped against hope that America would elect the overly qualified Black and Indian woman who had served in all three branches of government over the failed businessman turned reality star turned former president. I was wrong. The problem with Donald Trump–and there are many–is not so much about what he says or does individually but about what he represents collectively.
He reminds us just how powerful white supremacy is. His ascension to the highest office in the land yet again sends a message that you don’t have to be kind to lead. You can be sexist, , and self-centered and still come out on top.
This is the lesson his supporters have run with and play out in everyday life. That, in addition to the rights and freedoms he hopes to eliminate, is what is so devastating about another Trump presidency. When you’re trying to teach your childr.