
The journey to being admitted to the bar took close to 15 years for Lanieta Gonewai Bilitaki. Though the road was rocky, giving up was not an option. On Friday, the 34-year-old, was among the 45 new law graduates from the University of the South Pacific who were admitted to the bar by acting Chief Justice Salesi Temo.

Ms Bilitaki, said the journey was not easy, but she learnt to trust the process. Peer pressure and following the wrong crowd forced her to drop out of university once where she was forced to look for work if she wanted a second chance of education. Along the journey, she lost her father in 2021.

“I went through quite a lot, lost people along the way and learnt so much too from those that I crossed paths with,” Ms Bilitaki said. “Through all these, the dream of completing my education never left me,” she said. In all these seasons, Ms Bilitaki said she remained steadfast that one day she would graduate and a fully-fledged lawyer.

“I am grateful for my family, my late dad who disciplined us and counselled us to become the person we are today,” she said. “My paternal family, even though I lost my dad some years back, my uncles, aunties and cousins support never lacked at any time, and they have always been a source of inspiration and strength. “My maternal family, my mom’s sisters and their individual families, they have always stood by us as a family and for me and my siblings, all the time, I cannot thank them enough for their support.

” She acknowledged the support of her prayer warrior mother Veranaisi Gonewai, whose prayers continue to guide her and support her today. “My mom has the been our beacon of hope, always cheering us on and praying for me and my siblings daily. “I also acknowledge my siblings and their families as well in this achievement.

“Fellow counsel Setareki Kalesita, close friends Maikeli Talatala, sevanaia Tuiwasa and Tulevu Tora for their support towards this success. “Last and not the least my husband Paulo who is serving in Yemen and his beautiful family who have been a source encouragement and prayer.” She encouraged youths not to let their family situation limit the goals and aspirations they want to achieve.

“You fall once, you rise again. You never ever give up. It may take three years, it may take 10 but if your heart is willing, you will achieve your dreams.

” Ms Bilitaki is employed by the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection. Feedback: inoke.rabonu@fijisun.


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