Versatile actor and voice artist Shreyas Talpade celebrates his birthday on January 27. The Om Shanti Om actor, who suffered a heart attack in 2023 has resumed work with back-to-back projects. However, he credits his wife Deepti for always having his back despite the highs and lows.
In an earlier interview with , Shreyas got candid about his ladylove and marriage. Shreyas proposed marriage to Deepti in 4 days married Deepti in 2004 and was happy that he met the right person to spend the rest of his life with. The couple has a daughter named Aadya.
"When I saw her it was dil mein baji guitar kind of moment and immediately in four days I told her, 'I think I’m in love with you and I want to get married to you.' Today when I look back I think I was extremely fortunate that I found the right person who sacrificed a lot for me and my career. She decided to take the backseat and take care of the family,” he shared.
Shreyas believes in the institution of marriage He added, “With the number of divorces and separations happening, you feel sad for people. I believe in the institution of marriage and I like it when I have to go back home and tell certain things to my family and my wife, share it with them. There is someone to listen right, there is someone for whom you’re doing all of this.
There’s no fun in doing it for yourself. When you do things for them, the happiness on their faces is priceless. If they’re happy for you I think you’ve achieved a lot more and that is .