
Cooking seems a simple enough task, so it should not be too hard to whip up a meal, right? Wrong, as not everyone is cut out to be a chef and sometimes, we think too highly of our abilities without envisioning the dreadful results! Some cooking mishaps are worse than others, and may even scare friends from ever asking you to cook again. But wait..

. maybe, that was the intention all along? Here are some rib-tickling stories: 1 Cooking for a big group can be nerve-wracking. I tried making a baked leg of pork that needed to go into the oven, thinking it would come out nice, tender and moist.

Marinated it overnight and then, I miscalculated the temperature and it came out nearly rock hard! It was my first attempt making this dish and no, we didn’t eat it as it was just too hard! — Theri, F&B strategist 2 The worst thing I’ve ever made was Rachel’s infamous trifle from the TV show Friends! I had recreated it for a video shoot at work and painstakingly made it, layer by layer. Yes, including the minced beef! Just to let you know, here’s the full list of ingredients: sponge fingers, then jam, custard, raspberries, more sponge fingers, beef sauteed with peas and onions, more custard, bananas and whipped cream. My poor colleagues had to eat it for the video and although they managed to finish a fair amount of it, I don’t think they will ever trust me to make anything ever again! — Soraya, radio station manager Okra can become horribly slimy if cooked too long.

— Filepi.

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