Not only is disorganization visually confusing, but it also wastes so much time and energy because you can't find what you need, when you need it. That's why I'm a huge fan of the Organizational Triangle, a powerful system that helped me get back control of my home. If, like mine, your house has 'disaster zones' where clutter breeds, such as a junk drawer, laundry 'chair', or even endlessly messy kitchen counter, the Organizational Triangle is a must try decluttering tip .
Taming the mess has many benefits, not just for the functionality of your home and storage spaces, but for your mental well-being and sense of peace. The Organizing Triangle changed the dealing-with-mess-at-home game for me, and according to professional organizer Andrew Mellen , this handy system is built on three main principles: Testing the ‘Organizational Triangle’ method at home As someone who gets stressed out by clutter and anxious when unable to find things, it becomes overwhelming for me when I am not able to make sense of the space around me. I decided to tackle three key areas at home that had become cluttered and disorganized and in need of desperate help to restore order in my life.
1. My kitchen drawers To tackle my first ‘disaster zone,’ I went through my kitchen storage ideas and pinpointed my utensil drawer, an area that would benefit from the Organizational Triangle approach. Over the years, my collection of utensils and cooking equipment has grown with my interest and passion for .