
Social media has become one of the most important parts of our lives. From scrolling reels for hours to waiting to get validation through likes, we’re all stuck. Though these platforms have provided easy access to information, entertainment, and connectivity; they have also profoundly affected our mental well-being.

Stepping away from it, even if for just a while, sometimes makes us feel anxious or makes us feel left out. Though it helps us stay in touch with our loved ones it is affecting our mental health in ways we cannot think of. But what happens when we stop using social media? Does this help enhance our mental health? To get answers we got in touch with Dr Munia Bhattacharya, Consultant - Psychologist, Marengo Asia Hospital Gurugram.

Here’s what he says! 1. Reduction of Anxiety and Stress Social media is a source of stress and anxiety for many people. With constant notifications, comparisons, and the need to keep an online presence, our minds are kept on the rack.

By refraining yourself from using social media, you give yourself a break on what triggers these factors. With no endless scrolling, people have claimed that they feel much less overwhelmed and relaxed. The primary reason for such a decline in a sense of inadequacy and apprehension is usually the end to such comparisons by people with others' highlight reels.

Reducing display time means having to reboot one's mind for a more serene approach to performance in accomplishing daily tasks. 2. Better Concentrat.

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