New research suggests that increasing cumulative isotretinoin dosage could significantly reduce acne recurrence and the need for retreatment, offering hope for long-term skin clarity. Study: Acne Relapse and Isotretinoin Retrial in Patients With Acne . Image Credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.
com A recent JAMA Dermatology study assesses the factors associated with relapse after isotretinoin treatment for acne . Isotretinoin treatment for acne Isotretinoin, commonly called Accutane, is the only approved treatment for severe acne. Although isotretinoin is extremely effective in most individuals with acne, some experience recurrence.
As a result, patients who are vulnerable to acne relapse are treated with additional courses of isotretinoin. It is pivotal to understand whether certain factors, such as patient characteristics, isotretinoin dosage, and treatment regimen, influence acne relapse. This information can be used to design optimal isotretinoin treatment regimens that maximize treatment outcomes and minimize adverse effects.
An improved understanding will also enable clinicians to better manage patients' expectations of treatment outcomes, including the possibility of relapse, and formulate effective maintenance treatment plans. Previous studies have documented acne relapse rates ranging between 9.4% and 65.
4%, with 1.7-23.1% using isotretinoin repeatedly.
This variability has been attributed to unrepresentative populations, incomplete follow-up, small sample sizes, and va.