
Those snake dreams you've been having? They have a message and a meaning. As a professional dream interpreter and the author of “The Alchemy of Your Dreams,” I help people come to insights about recurrent patterns and symbols that pop up in their dreams, like snakes. All dreams are gifts , even the ones that scare you (see: snakes).

Every night when we sleep, we are gifted with the opportunity to receive guidance, creative ideas and positive solutions through our dreams. Dreams have been proven to help regulate negative emotion and offer up healing. In a previous interview with TODAY.

com , Adriane Soehner, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh and the director of the Pitt Sleep, Affective Neuroscience, and Development Lab, said dreams have a “functional” purpose, aiding with “memory, emotional processing and sensory processing.

” Now, this isn’t to say that all of your dreams will feel easy, or a nightly narrative of bliss and pleasure. That’s because our dreams help to guard against self-deception and in doing so, they often pack a metaphoric punch, encouraging you to ask: What is the message I’m not hearing? The “thing” that I’m not seeing? The path I’m afraid to follow? The feeling I’m unwilling to feel? The snake I am unwilling to see? If you're simply seeing snakes everywhere once you go to sleep, there's no need to worry. Here’s what to know if one slithers into your subconscious.

Snakes are both universal .

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