
Acherished New Zealand tradition will take centre stage asthe Whanganui Regional Museum unveils its next instalment of - . September’s feature is an ivory-colouredsleeveless dress, and a symbol of a significant rite ofpassage in Kiwi culture. The dress, worn by RosemaryHaylock in the early 1970s for her 21st birthdaycelebration, reflects the importance of this milestone inNew Zealand society.

The 21st birthday is traditionallycelebrated by a large gathering of family and friends, withspeeches and toasts. Rosemary’s dress, anelegant piece that captures the essence of 1970s fashion,was generously donated to the Museum by her mother, HilaryHaylock (nee Wilson), in 1999. Dr.

Bronwyn Labrum, PouĀrahi/Director of Whanganui Regional Museum, expressed herexcitement about the upcoming event, saying, “This dressis not just a beautiful garment; it is a piece of ourcollective history. By showcasing it, we’re inviting thecommunity to reconnect with a tradition that has played asignificant role in shaping New Zealand’s culturalidentity.” Dr.

Labrum will host aninformal public talk to present the dress as part of theOutfit of the Month series. This monthly event highlightsitems from the Museum’s extensive clothing and textilecollection, offering visitors a glimpse into the richhistory preserved within its walls. The community iswarmly invited to attend the presentation in the Museum at12:15pm on Friday, 6th September.

Admission is free, andwhile no booking is necessary, a koha for the Museum isalways appreciated. The dress will remain on displaythroughout September, allowing visitors a chance toappreciate its historicalsignificance..

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