
OUR much-loved astrologer Meg sadly died last year but her column will be kept alive by her friend and protégée Maggie Innes. ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 12 The mind planet’s back flip revisits your sector of creative ideas and dreams – bringing a second chance to make a first impression. Be prepared, but be yourself.

If love has felt more like labour lately, Venus can change this with just a few words. So if you want to speak, this can be your week. If you’re fancy-free, someone who appears so serious has such a fun passion proposal.

TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21 12 Your standing in a family may have felt shaky these last few weeks, but now you can firm things up. You know the role you want, and only you can spell this out. Most read in Horoscopes RANGERS 2 'WELL 1 Gers in pink as Cerny cancels out Propper og in Hampden high wire act WATCHING BRIEF Unemployed Rangers hero spotted in Hampden stand as old club begins new era CHEERIO, CHEERIO Moment anti-asylum protesters 'chased' from Scots anti-racism rally NOT FOR THE PAINT HEARTED Ex-Playboy model poses naked in just body paint for weigh in The Jupiter effect on your cash chart is noticeable by its generosity and luxury – the more you give away this week, the more you can receive.

Try it and see. The luck factor waits in a room of “W” candidates. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUNE 21 12 This week the moon makes you, above all, resilient.

When one emotional approach doesn’t hit the spot, you can try others, and keep on trying. But do have a personal limit set, in your own mind and heart, before you start. Rewinding a work conversation and starting again can fill in some gaps you may not have noticed, first time.

Luck and love both link to abstract art. CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 22 12 You’re not a sign that is ruled by money – but this week, getting to grips with a set of spending challenges is one of your key tasks. It’s sensible, not selfish, to make sure your side of a deal is fair.

If you’re in love, Venus connects partners in unexpected, warm ways. If you’re single, your soulmate is first to raise their hand, ask a key question. LEO JULY 23 - AUG 23 12 As Mercury reverses back into the personal heart of your chart, you find strength to try deep inner changes again.

Most important is the voice you use to talk to yourself – it should always be kind, and never critical. When you are your own best friend, so much can fall into place. The moon highlights a business linked to making families, or homes, look and feel better.

VIRGO AUG 24 - SEPT 22 12 A dream you assumed gone for good can be back, bigger than ever, from the start of this week. So don’t waste this chance to really examine what you want, and how you can get it. Your love zone is all about shared values - if partners are on different commitment pages, you can correct this.

If you’re single, you’ll first see your perfect match wearing colours that really clash. LIBRA SEPT 23 - OCT 23 12 All kinds of reunions, in person and online, are starred by Mercury as worth your attention this week. Going back may not be your usual approach, but there’s a lot to learn here, and maybe a lot to love, too.

A money-moon grows all week, from discounting creative ideas to finding ways to make them work – so make sure you do your research. Luck turns four names or numbers into five. SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22 12 The best ambitions for this week can be ones you have already written off – so step back into your Wish List, see what leaps out.

Your instincts are strong, as you start the week with a personal moon – plus Mars staying-power and Venus charisma. If you truly want something to work, you are already half-way there. A love that may seem purely platonic has a passion secret.

12 The best journeys are an adventure in themselves, whether or not you arrive. This week, you have a star ticket to ride, in search of something special. The moment this comes into your mind, you will know the right direction.

If you’re in love, expecting more from passion may also mean giving more – are you ready for this? Single? Your dream date may come late, but is worth the wait. CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20 12 Who you allow to enter, and to stay, in your closest circle is your theme this week. People may impress you, yet be hard to truly connect with.

The shrewd eyes of Mercury are with you now to spot the difference. Maybe you resist revealing your softer self, especially at work – but a little vulnerability can reinforce other people’s respect for you. Luck adds up a series of odd numbers.

AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 18 12 If love feels like unfinished business, this can be your time to tackle this – and search for closure, or a new set of commitment rules. Only you know exactly what you most need, to take your heart forward. Keep this clear in your mind, as you make your moves.

Cash can pull you in two very different directions, but you have the clever touch to make the best of both. PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 20 12 Work that links to history, your own or other people’s, can be set to take a larger stake in your success. This can start with a casual set of questions, but do take these seriously.

If you’re with a partner, a moon of adventure first opens two hearts and then loosens two opposing sets of views. Read more on the Scottish Sun CROCODILE DUNDEE Fishermen stunned after hooking crocodile head out of Scots river PARK OFF 'Someone will die' cry locals as they blast 'selfish' motorhome drivers on NC500 So anything can happen! Single? A unique ring can be a key clue..

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