
A couple abandoned their life in the UK to live in Bulgaria in a house they had never seen before - and they haven't looked back. Lewis and Jordan were fed up of their life in Bournemouth and were dreaming of a better life. The couple realised that just a three hour plane ride away was their ultimate living situation waiting for them; they were able to get a big home and plenty of land for £7,000.

The couple, who have become a viral sensation after sharing their experience online, claim that they never saw what their Bulgarian home looked like until they drove up the driveway. "I think we got pretty lucky," Lewis said on TikTok . Lewis took to TikTok and said: "About a year and a half ago, we drove up this driveway after a £1,821 mile journey because we decided it would be a good idea to purchase a house for £7,000 in Bulgaria.

And we bought this house on the internet for £7,000 without even looking at it." Lewis, who shares two children with his partner, added: "In 2022 we had a dream of owning our own home and having farmland to raise lifestock and to grow our own produce, however with an acre plot of land ranging anywhere from £300,000 to one million in the UK, this dream soon became pretty unrealistic." Plus, at the time the pair were not able to quality for a mortgage .

"So instead of giving up on our dreams, we decided to look elsewhere." Lewis, who shares two children with his partner, added: "In 2022 we had a dream of owning our own home and having farmland to ra.

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