
BRUNSWICK, Ohio -- This is a story about a pair of special cats adopted from Kitten Krazy in Medina. We were looking to find two kitties to fill our empty home after my cat, Gazelle, passed away from cancer. Enter Penelope and Shelby.

Penelope (formerly known as Destiny) is my snuggle buddy. Penelope had a rough start. She spent the first six months of her life in an overcrowded shelter in Wayne County before she was transferred to Kitten Krazy in hopes of being noticed and adopted.

She was there about four months before we found her and brought her home with us. She caught our eye because she was jumping up and down trying to see out a window at the shelter! Unfortunately, Penelope has calicivirus, probably acquired at the overcrowded shelter before she was vaccinated. The virus did a lot of damage to the internal structure of her nose, so she is constantly sneezing and we are always watchful for respiratory infections.

When we brought her home, she would race from window to window to look outside. We have a wooded yard in Brunswick, and she loves watching the birds, squirrels and deer. She has become a wonderful little snuggle cat and will sit on our laps in the evening when we watch TV.

She always sleeps with me. I often wonder if she remembers her time in the shelter and thinks, “Wow, how did I get so lucky?!” She will always have a safe, loving home now, and I think about how much I love her as I once again wash the cat snot off my windows! Beautiful Shelby loves her treats. Photo Courtesy of Linda Hennis We also adopted Shelby along with Penelope from Kitten Krazy.

Shelby (formerly known as Sister) was only 5 months old when we adopted her. She drew attention to herself by playing with my boyfriend’s shoelaces at the shelter. She was so cute that we couldn’t resist her.

We laugh, because we thought she would be a short-haired cat, But as she grew, so did her fur. Now, she boasts a luxurious, long coat of fur. Although she tends to be on the skittish side (loud noises, strange people and the wind tend to frighten her), she is a very cuddly cat and loves to sleep with me.

The funny thing about Shelby is her love for food. When we first brought her home, she would eat anything . She even ate a green bean! Now, all you have to say is, “Shelby, do you want some snacks?” and she will immediately run into the kitchen for treats.

My cats bring so much love and joy into my life that I can’t picture my life without them. Linda Hennis, Brunswick Do you share your life with an animal that is near and dear to you? Tell us something about your pet - all species are welcome - and send along a photo of the two of you. Be sure to tell us which Greater Cleveland community you live in.

Send everything to Ann Norman at [email protected] ..

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