The Trinamool Congress (TMC) staged protests across West Bengal on Monday, voicing their opposition to Union Home Minister Amit Shah's controversial remarks involving B R Ambedkar. The rallies, held between 2 pm and 3 pm at various locations, saw the involvement of several ministers and party loyalists. Protesters carried flags, placards, and chanted slogans against Shah.
The demonstrations followed Shah's comments made during a Rajya Sabha debate, where he suggested that invoking Ambedkar's name had become fashionable and compared it to a religious chant that could ensure heavenly rewards. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee criticized Shah's statements, calling them casteist and derogatory. Meanwhile, TMC leader Kunal Ghosh spotlighted concerns about attacks on minorities in Bangladesh, alleging political motives behind Delhi's response to such crises.
(With inputs from agencies.).