
Media personality Somizi Mhlongo and the Kearsney College Choir had a proud heart-warming moment at an airport in Barcelona singing Hamba Wena . “Then this magical moment happened at the airport in Barcelona. Bumped into Kearsney College Choir on their way home from a choir competition,” Somizi captioned the post.

“So it was such a beautiful celebratory moment. God’s chosen golden country super proud of you boys.” The Kearsney College Choir won the Golden Voices of Barcelona Music Festival in Spain.

The competition is held to promote the art of choral and vocal singing, organ music, as well as to develop creative links between vocal ensembles and choirs of countries. The competition also has a focus to expand the repertoire of choral groups, creating new choral contacts and exchange of experience. The contestants are evaluated by a professional international jury according to expert evaluation criteria.

As the winner of this year’s instalment of Golden Voices of Barcelona, the Kearsney College Choir will perform in the heart of Barcelona, either in the iconic Sagrada Familia by Gaudi, the Basilica de Santa Maria del Pi in the Gothic old city blocks, or La Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia. ALSO READ: Ntokozo Mbambo to serenade fans with national anthem rendition at Boks v Ireland game Touring Germany Prior the choral competition Kearsney College Choir had been in Europe for a tour of Germany, where they had the honour of performing in some beautiful and famous concert venues. They performed in the famous Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg, where tickets to the 2100-seat venue were sold out months ahead.

The boys’ superb voices and highly energetic performance style earned them standing ovations, thunderous applause and encores from audiences. Professor Dr Horst Köhler, former president of Germany and former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was the choir’s patron in his country. The boys also wowed audiences in Lüneburg at the Leuphana University’s 1000-seater auditorium, as well as in Bremen, Hagen and Hannover, where they performed in some beautiful and famous concert venues.

They also focused on the war in Ukrain, including the number 99 Red Balloons, sung in Zulu, German and English, as well as a Ukrainian rap song Stefania, a powerful anti-war song. Sethu Magubane, Kearsney’s 2024 head of choir, said he and the 54 touring boys had lots of fun learning to rap in Ukrainian. He toured with the College’s choir to Austria and Czechia in 2022 and believes this song will be a sure-fire crowd pleaser.

The Kearsney College choir boasts a long list of accolades, including 15 gold and seven silver medals at the World Choir Games (the Olympics for Choirs) NOW READ: SA photographer bags prestigious awards in France, walks away with lucrative prize money.

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